Go terminal dashboard. Inspired by blessed-contrib, but purely in Go.
Cross-platform, easy to compile, and fully-customizable.
Demo: (cast under osx 10.10; Terminal.app; Menlo Regular 12pt.)
Grid layout:
Expressive syntax, using 12 columns grid system
import ui "github.com/gizak/termui"
// init and create widgets...
// build
ui.NewCol(6, 0, widget0),
ui.NewCol(6, 0, widget1)),
ui.NewCol(3, 0, widget2),
ui.NewCol(3, 0, widget30, widget31, widget32),
ui.NewCol(6, 0, widget4)))
// calculate layout
go get github.com/gizak/termui
Each component's layout is a bit like HTML block (box model), which has border and padding.
The Border
property can be chosen to hide or display (with its border label), when it comes to display, the label takes 1 padding space (i.e. in css: padding: 1;
, innerHeight and innerWidth therefore shrunk by 1).
import ui "github.com/gizak/termui" // <- ui shortcut, optional
func main() {
err := ui.Init()
if err != nil {
defer ui.Close()
p := ui.NewPar(":PRESS q TO QUIT DEMO")
p.Height = 3
p.Width = 50
p.TextFgColor = ui.ColorWhite
p.Border.Label = "Text Box"
p.Border.FgColor = ui.ColorCyan
g := ui.NewGauge()
g.Percent = 50
g.Width = 50
g.Height = 3
g.Y = 11
g.Border.Label = "Gauge"
g.BarColor = ui.ColorRed
g.Border.FgColor = ui.ColorWhite
g.Border.LabelFgColor = ui.ColorCyan
ui.Render(p, g)
// event handler...
Note that components can be overlapped (I'd rather call this a feature...), Render(rs ...Renderer)
renders its args from left to right (i.e. each component's weight is arising from left to right).
All colors in all components can be changed at any time, while there provides some predefined color schemes:
// for now there are only two themes: default and helloworld
// create components...
The default
theme's settings depend on the user's terminal color scheme, which is saying if your terminal default font color is white and background is white, it will be like:
The helloworld
color scheme drops in some colors!
看起来比较 简陋 呀。 不过是 golang 写的,而 GUI 一直不是 golang 的强项。敝帚自珍吧。
这里一个使用的项目,监控的 http://studygolang.com/resources/532