Minimal golang binding to V8. This exposes a non-blocking message passing
interface to the V8 javascript engine. Go and JavaScript interact by sending
and receiving messages. V8 will block a thread (goroutine) only while it
computes javascript - it has no "syscalls" other than sending and receiving
messages to Go. There are only three built in functions exposed to javascript:
`$print(string)`, `$send(msg)`, and `$recv(callback)`.
MIT License. Contributions welcome.
Run `make` to trigger a build of V8 and then do `make install`
which will trigger `go install`. V8 is statically linked. It's only been tested
on my OSX laptop so far - should be easily portable to linux tho.
`make test` to build/run tests. Or just `go test`.
From golang checkout the API here:
From Javascript you only have:
See `worker_test.go` for example usage for now.