go-beanstalk 是[beanstalkd](https://github.com/kr/beanstalkd) 的GO语言的一个客户端.
[beanstalkd](https://github.com/kr/beanstalkd)是一个快速的、有各种用途的延迟队列 和定时任务的不同点: 定时任务以一定的周期或者在某个特定的时间运行。beanstalk可以在延迟一段时间执行。 一些使用场景:
* 用户下单5分钟后检查用户是否完成了支付
* 一分钟后开始一个新的程序
git clone https://github.com/kr/beanstalkd
cd beanstalkd
go get github.com/liuzhengyang/gobeanstalk
create a test.go file
package main
import (
func main() {
addr := "localhost:11300" // define server address
newConn := gobeanstalk.NewConnection(addr) // create new connection
channel := make(chan int) // create int channel
putFunc := func() {
// define a function which put some message to one tube
id, _ := newConn.PutWithTube("hello", "test2", 1)
channel <- id
go putFunc() // run previous function in a go-routine
id := <-channel // wait until we finish putting
fmt.Printf("Receive from channel message of another goroutine %d\n", id)
listenChannel := make(chan string) // make a listen channel for receiving results
dealFunc := func(body string) bool {
// define a function to deal with tube messages
fmt.Printf("receive %s\n", body)
listenChannel <- body
return true
go newConn.Listen("test2", dealFunc) // run deal function in a specified go-routing
body := <-listenChannel // wait our message
fmt.Printf("Listen once %s\n", body)
newConn.Close() // Close connection
And run this
go run test.go
[beanstalkd](https://github.com/kr/beanstalkd)是一个快速的、有各种用途的延迟队列 和定时任务的不同点: 定时任务以一定的周期或者在某个特定的时间运行。beanstalk可以在延迟一段时间执行。 一些使用场景:
* 用户下单5分钟后检查用户是否完成了支付
* 一分钟后开始一个新的程序
<pre>git clone https://github.com/kr/beanstalkd
cd beanstalkd
<pre>go get github.com/liuzhengyang/gobeanstalk</pre>
create a test.go file
<pre>package main
import (
func main() {
addr := "localhost:11300" // define server address
newConn := gobeanstalk.NewConnection(addr) // create new connection
channel := make(chan int) // create int channel
putFunc := func() {
// define a function which put some message to one tube
id, _ := newConn.PutWithTube("hello", "test2", 1)
channel <- id
go putFunc() // run previous function in a go-routine
id := <-channel // wait until we finish putting
fmt.Printf("Receive from channel message of another goroutine %d\n", id)
listenChannel := make(chan string) // make a listen channel for receiving results
dealFunc := func(body string) bool {
// define a function to deal with tube messages
fmt.Printf("receive %s\n", body)
listenChannel <- body
return true
go newConn.Listen("test2", dealFunc) // run deal function in a specified go-routing
body := <-listenChannel // wait our message
fmt.Printf("Listen once %s\n", body)
newConn.Close() // Close connection
And run this
<pre>go run test.go</pre>