hector Golang 的机器学习文库 hector

agolangf • 1407 次点击    
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Golang 的机器学习文库。目前, 它可以用来解决二元分类问题。 ### 运行: hector-cv.go 通过 交叉验证 将帮助你在一些数据测试一个 算法 , 请进行如下操作: <pre box-sizing:="" font-family:="" liberation="" font-size:="" margin-top:="" margin-bottom:="" font-stretch:="" line-height:="" word-wrap:="" padding:="" overflow:="" background-color:="" border-radius:="" color:="">go get github.com/xlvector/hector go install github.com/xlvector/hector/hectorcv hectorcv --method [Method] --train [Data Path] --cv 10</pre> 方式: 1. lr : logistic regression with SGD and L2 regularization. 2. ftrl : FTRL-proximal logistic regreesion with L1 regularization. Please review this paper for more details &#34;Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches&#34;. 3. ep : bayesian logistic regression with expectation propagation. Please review this paper for more details &#34;Web-Scale Bayesian Click-Through Rate Prediction for Sponsored Search Advertising in Microsoft’s Bing Search Engine&#34; 4. fm : factorization machine 5. cart : classifiaction tree 6. cart-regression : regression tree 7. rf : random forest 8. rdt : random decision trees 9. gbdt : gradient boosting decisio tree 10. linear-svm : linear svm with L1 regularization 11. svm : svm optimizaed by SMO (current, its linear svm) 12. l1vm : vector machine with L1 regularization by RBF kernel 13. knn : k-nearest neighbor classification hector-run.go 将帮助你测试一组算法集,并测试它的测试数据集, 请进行如下操作: <pre box-sizing:="" font-family:="" liberation="" font-size:="" margin-top:="" margin-bottom:="" font-stretch:="" line-height:="" word-wrap:="" padding:="" overflow:="" background-color:="" border-radius:="" color:="">cd src go build hector-run.go ./hector-run --method [Method] --train [Data Path] --test [Data Path]</pre> 上面的方法 将直接对算法集测试,然后对测试数据集 进行测试 。 如果你想训练算法,并得到模型文件 , 请进行如下操作: <pre box-sizing:="" font-family:="" liberation="" font-size:="" margin-top:="" margin-bottom:="" font-stretch:="" line-height:="" word-wrap:="" padding:="" overflow:="" background-color:="" border-radius:="" color:="">./hector-run --method [Method] --action train --train [Data Path] --model [Model Path]</pre> Then, you can use model file to test any test dataset: <pre box-sizing:="" font-family:="" liberation="" font-size:="" margin-top:="" margin-bottom:="" font-stretch:="" line-height:="" word-wrap:="" padding:="" overflow:="" background-color:="" border-radius:="" color:="">./hector-run --method [Method] --action test --test [Data Path] --model [Model Path]</pre>
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