Realize Go 项目本地构建工具 Realize

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Realize 是一个 Go 工具,专注于加快和改善开发人员的工作流程。 自动化您的工作流程,集成第三方的其他工具,定义自定义 cli 命令,并在每次更改时重新加载项目,而不必停止编写代码。 #### Features - Highly customizable - Setup step by step - Live reload - Support for multiple projects - Save logs on files - Web panel for a smart view - Build, install, run, test, fmt, generate, vet and much more - Watch custom paths and specific file extensions - Multiple watching methods (Polling, File watcher) - Docker support v 1.5 - [ ] Watch gopath dependencies - [ ] Web panel, download logs - [ ] Multiple configurations (dev, production) - [ ] Support to ignore paths and files in gititnore - [ ] Input redirection (wait for an input and redirect) #### Wiki - [Getting Started](#installation) - [Run cmd](#run) - Run a project - [Add cmd](#add) - Add a new project - [Init cmd](#init) - Make a custom config step by step - [Remove cmd](#remove) - Remove a project - [List cmd](#list) - List the projects - [Config sample](#config-sample) - Sample config file - [Support](#support-us-and-suggest-an-improvement) #### Installation Run this to get/install: ``` $ go get ``` #### Commands - ##### Run From project/projects root execute: ``` $ realize run ``` It will create a realize.yaml file if it doesn't exist already, add the working directory as project and run the pipeline. The Run command supports the following custom parameters: ``` --name="name" -> Run by name on existing configuration --path="realize/server" -> Custom Path, if not specified takes the working directory name --build -> Enable go build --no-run -> Disable go run --no-install -> Disable go install --no-config -> Ignore an existing config / skip the creation of a new one --server -> Enable the web server --legacy -> Enable legacy watch instead of Fsnotify watch --generate -> Enable go generate --test -> Enable go test --open -> Open in default browser ``` Examples: ``` $ realize run $ realize run --path="mypath" $ realize run --name="My Project" --build $ realize run --path="realize" --no-run --no-config $ realize run --path="/Users/alessio/go/src/" ```
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