HOZ A fast TCP security proxy HOZ

helloh2o2019-09-18 09:26:39 • 5255 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2019-09-18 09:26:39 的项目,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

HTTP & SOCKS5 fast security proxy

Currently implemented HTTP,SOCKS5 protocol

Transport Protocol

The package [head, body], head is 4 bytes containing the current encrypted packet length, and the body is the encrypted bytes. After the read is completed, the decryption is performed.

implement the interfaces for your Protocol


About encryption

The default is OORR which is implemented by myself. It is mainly used to perform or perform operations on bytes. Modify all bytes to achieve the purpose of encryption. It is fast and consumes less resources.

How to use it

./client_side -addr ":1080" -remote "" -password "oor://your-password-xxx"
./server_side -addr ":10800" -password "oor://your-password-xxx"



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