# sqlbuilder
`sqlbuilder` is a simple sql query string builder
sqlbuilder its recursive struct call, that you can easy to build sql string
ex: dao.Select().From().Join().Where().Limit()
### SqlBuilder functions
* build select :
* Select(f ...string)
* f is a fileds list of strings
* Select("filed1", "filed2", "filed3")
* Select(lib.Struce4QuerySlice(DaoStructType)...)
* the library ref : [https://github.com/eehsiao/go-models-lib](https://github.com/eehsiao/go-models-lib)
* Distinct(b bool)
* its default in builder is set `false`
* Top(i int)
* only support mssql
* From(t ...string)
* t is table name
* Where(c string)
* c is condition, ex Where("field1=1 and filed2='b'")
* WhereAnd(c ...string)
* WhereOr(c ...string)
* Limit(i ...int)
* support 2 parms
* only support mysql
* Join(t string, c string)
* t is table name
* c is condition
* InnerJoin(t string, c string)
* LeftJoin(t string, c string)
* RightJoin(t string, c string)
* FullJoin(t string, c string)
* GroupBy(f ...string)
* f is a fileds list of strings
* OrderBy(f ...string)
* f is a fileds list of strings
* OrderByAsc(f ...string)
* OrderByDesc(f ...string)
* Having(s string)
* s is having condition string
* BuildSelectSQL()
* check and build sql string.
* you can get sql string via `BuildedSQL()`
* build update :
* Set(s map[string]interface{})
* FromOne(t string)
* reset the table for only one
* BuildUpdateSQL()
* check and build sql string.
* you can get sql string via `BuildedSQL()`
* build insert :
* Into(t string)
* set the insert table
* Fields(f ...string)
* f is a fileds list of strings
* Values(v ...[]interface{})
* v is a values list of `interface{}`
* BuildInsertSQL()
* check and build sql string.
* you can get sql string via `BuildedSQL()`
* build delete :
* BuildDeleteSQL()
* check and build sql string.
* you can get sql string via `BuildedSQL()`
* common :
* ClearBuilder()
* reset builder
* BuildedSQL()
* return the builded sql string, if build success.
* SetDbName(s string)
* SetTbName(s string)
* SwitchPanicToErrorLog(b bool)
* PanicOrErrorLog(s string)