Best JS framework/library to cooperate with GO?

agolangf · · 1114 次点击    
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<p>Hello. I&#39;m looking for good JS framework/library to create front-end, while all backend will use GO. Which one is the best to cooperate with GO? I&#39;m tired of using pure JS with jQuery, so i&#39;m looking forward something new ;) Thanks.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>matcornic: <pre><p>Hi,</p> <p>As long as you create a nice REST API (using Echo, Gin, or pure Go), you can use any front end framework.</p> <p>Modern/Hypes ones are React/Angular/Vue. Those are really nice but my personal preference goes to React (With Redux)</p></pre>kerakk19: <pre><p>Do you have any experience with MeteorJS? It looks very nice and drew my attention. I&#39;ll definitely look into React too. Thanks</p></pre>matcornic: <pre><p>I know enough to say that Meteor is a full stack framework, allowing developers to use same langage (Javascript) and codebase for back-end and front-end. It stores data in a Mongo database, synchronized in frontend with a minimongo. This way, you can code the data saving in front-end, in a <a href="" rel="nofollow">reactive</a> way, and it will be synchronized to the backend afterwards. </p> <p>It&#39;s a nice choice if you want an all-in-one package, but not the right one if you wanted to create your backend in Go.</p> <p>Besides, I&#39;m not a Meteor expert at all, but it&#39;s fairly possible that this kind of application is not easily scalable. </p></pre>caseynashvegas: <pre><p>React would get my vote. UI done the right way, and the skills you learn in React are transferrable to a number of platforms. One thing that people miss about React is that it is not tied to the browser. React &amp; ReactDOM (browser) are separated.<br/> This means you can use the core React library in a number of places including React-Native (ios/android), React Native - Windows (Windows 10 UWP) and ReactVR (Oculus). </p> <p>For years, most UI development was done as manipulations through a set of imperative API&#39;s. React is different in that it let&#39;s you focus on representing what the UI spec should be as application state changes. To me, the benefit is that most of my UI code is pure functions with no side effect. </p></pre>zxo0oxz: <pre><p>I like Vue. It was pretty easy to learn, and the vue-resource plugin makes doing rest calls super easy. I&#39;m sure any of the other recommendations here are fine too.</p></pre>spays_marine: <pre><p>Another vote for Vue here, though they actually recommend axios for making requests now.</p></pre>zxo0oxz: <pre><p>I&#39;ll have to check it out. I just know vue-resource worked for me, but it&#39;s so simple, it can&#39;t be hard to replace if there&#39;s something better.</p> <p>edit: oh nice the api is pretty much the same</p></pre>twek: <pre><p>As someone who hates front end design I like Vue. I like that it doesn&#39;t feel heavy</p></pre>shovelpost: <pre><p>My recommendation is to stay native and use Web Components. A great library to help with creating them is <a href="" rel="nofollow">Polymer</a>. </p> <p>I think Polymer is very close to the mantra of Go as it is a library (not a framework). It attempts to use web standards everywhere and become smaller and smaller as browsers implement more of the specs. The idea is to stay native to the browser and use the platform as much as possible.</p> <p>The tooling is also great as they have created a command line tool that includes building, linting and testing so everything is pretty much streamlined like when you are working with the Go tool. There&#39;s also official plugins for vscode and Atom that provide you autocomplete, viewing docs and jumping to definitions.</p> <p>Recent success story: <a href="" rel="nofollow">All McDonald&#39;s menus in US are made with Polymer.</a></p> <p>Recent talk from Google IO 2017: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>video_descriptionbot: <pre><table><thead> <tr> <th align="left">SECTION</th> <th align="left">CONTENT</th> </tr> </thead><tbody> <tr> <td align="left">Title</td> <td align="left">Future, Faster: Unlock the Power of Web Components with Polymer (Google I/O &#39;17)</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Description</td> <td align="left">It took a few years and a couple of trips around the block, but Web Components have truly arrived: they’re natively supported in Chrome and Safari today, with other browsers joining the party soon. Polymer is still the most popular way to build your own Web Components. Polymer 2.0 has been updated to the final v1 Web Components specs, getting leaner, faster and more modular along the way – and offering a seamless upgrade path from Polymer 1. In this session, you will learn how Web Components and...</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Length</td> <td align="left">0:43:04</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <hr/> <p><sup>I am a bot, this is an auto-generated reply | </sup><sup><a href="" rel="nofollow">Info</a></sup> <sup>|</sup> <sup><a href=";subject=Feedback" rel="nofollow">Feedback</a></sup> <sup>|</sup> <sup>Reply STOP to opt out permanently</sup></p></pre>kerakk19: <pre><p>It looks awesome, looks like i&#39;ll stick to Polymer for now. Great thanks!</p></pre>luckyleprechaun98: <pre><p>I recommend React. It&#39;s the new hotness so it looks good on a resume and besides that it is actually pretty useful. </p></pre>darkmagician2: <pre><p>Definitely Polymer. Web components are the future and all major browsers have pledged support. Many large companies use Polymer and Google has shown huge commitment to it by using it for their new YouTube and Google Earth. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>kerakk19: <pre><p>Great, thanks!</p></pre>j_d_q: <pre><p>React react react as others have mentioned for the front end. It&#39;s not just the library but how it forces you to think about data. It&#39;s a great paradigm</p> <p>Back end: standard lib, gorilla, echo or gin. As long as it&#39;s not Iris</p></pre>francoishill: <pre><p>Aurelia is amazing and far better than Angular and very modular: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>kerakk19: <pre><p>Thanks, i&#39;ll definitely check it! Do you have any experience with it? I&#39;m about to create shop template with CMS, can i do it with Aurelia while having no experience with it?</p></pre>francoishill: <pre><p>I have written a number of apps with backend API&#39;s with it yes. According to me it is the easiest to understand and most powerful one between itself, React and Angular. See their skeleton app here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> would recommend the &#34;skeleton-typescript-webpack&#34; option. </p></pre>darkmagician2: <pre><p>If you are trying to create a shop check this out <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>gohacker: <pre><p>jQuery is the best in the sense that its future releases aren&#39;t like to introduce severe breaking changes (unlike most modern JS frameworks).</p></pre>francoishill: <pre><p>You might also want to look at VueJS: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>

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