Unexpected multi-line comment parsing feature with Go 1.8.3

polaris · · 623 次点击    
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<p>When a string in a multi-line comment contains a */, it is interpreted as the comment end marker. </p> <pre><code>/* var s = &#34;abc */ def&#34; */ </code></pre> <p>The compiler reports an error. Using back ticks yields the same result.</p> <p>See <a href="https://play.golang.org/p/oN3HVW-Asv" rel="nofollow">https://play.golang.org/p/oN3HVW-Asv</a></p> <p>This feature was a problem when trying to comment out regex expressions. They frequently contain */. </p> <p>There is no such problem with the // comment. See <a href="https://play.golang.org/p/O2pyNHoXMd" rel="nofollow">https://play.golang.org/p/O2pyNHoXMd</a></p> <pre><code>var s = &#34;abc // def&#34; </code></pre> <p>This compiles without error. This is the behavior I would expect.</p> <p>I don&#39;t see a use case for a multi-line comment ending in the middle of a string. These comments are usually used at instruction boundary. </p> <p>What is your opinion about it ?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>0xjnml: <pre><blockquote> <p>What is your opinion about it ?</p> </blockquote> <p>Working as intended and in accordance with the specs.</p> <blockquote> <p>This is the behavior I would expect.</p> </blockquote> <p>Me not. I prefer a tokenizer that never attempts to interpret the comment content in any way. </p></pre>EdiX: <pre><p>The contents of a comment are just text.</p></pre>chmikes: <pre><p>The problem is when I want to comment out a sequence of instructions, and there is a string in these instructions that contains */. It is a problem if the compiler interpret the */ in the strings as comment end. I don&#39;t have a C compiler to check how it handles */ in strings. I have never seen this problem before. </p></pre>nevyn: <pre><p>For what you suggest to be true the stuff inside a comment section would need to be parsed, thus. would need to be parsable.</p> <p>This is well known in C/C++, the usual workaround is to use #if 0 instead. For other languages use an editor that supports adding &#34;//&#34; comments markers easily to every line in a selection.</p></pre>chmikes: <pre><p>Ok. This nails it. Thank you. I never bother to use this feature until now and relied only on the /* ... */ comments. </p></pre>EdiX: <pre><p>This is how almost all programming languages behave. A scant few support nested comments. Even fewer have code comments. </p></pre>TheMerovius: <pre><blockquote> <p>The problem is when I want to comment out a sequence of instructions</p> </blockquote> <p>But that is not what comments are for. They are for commenting your code. And if you want to use it for that purpose, <code>//</code> is much better suited for this exact reason.</p> <blockquote> <p>it is a problem if the compiler interpret the */ in the strings as comment end.</p> </blockquote> <p>But that is not what is happening. There is no &#34;string&#34; here, just a comment. Inside the comment, there are no strings or other go concept, because it&#39;s just text. And multi-line comments end on <code>*/</code>. You mention that it&#39;s not a problem with <code>//</code>, but the situation there is opposite: You have go code, containing a string and the content of that string is ignored by the tokenizer.</p> <blockquote> <p>I don&#39;t have a C compiler to check how it handles */ in strings.</p> </blockquote> <p>You also don&#39;t have a go compiler doing that. But also, any old C compiler does exactly the same thing. <a href="http://sprunge.us/dYbB" rel="nofollow">Try compiling this</a>.</p></pre>chmikes: <pre><p>As I said, I don&#39;t have a C or C++ compiler now to test it. But I now fully agree with you. It all make sense. Using /* ... */ to comment out code is an anti pattern. Thank you for taking the time to help me understand this. </p></pre>sin2pifx: <pre><p>The onus is on your regexp to check that. A parser can never guess your intentions.</p> <p>If you want to avoid this problem, prefix all lines with //</p></pre>Redundancy_: <pre><p>I don&#39;t see why you would expect content aware parsing for a multi-line comment. The contents are whatever you happen to want to put in there, so the &#34;string&#34; has no meaning.</p></pre>epiris: <pre><p>When I comment out code with multi line comments it&#39;s because I don&#39;t want to think at all about what is inside while I focus on something else. These are never permanently applied. I use // from r permanent comments almost exclusively and the two main methods I use to write Go (vim and atom) both support easy multi line comments. </p> <p>Best solution for you would be getting accustomed to relying on your editor to do this, it&#39;s a menial task not worth thinking about much while writing software.</p></pre>Sythe2o0: <pre><p>Comment parsing can definitely take into account string literals and ignore the contents of the string literal. Without regex I&#39;d say that it probably shouldn&#39;t do that, but you offer a good use case. I think it makes sense for the parser to ignore the string contents while parsing the comment.</p></pre>chmikes: <pre><p>You are right, it would be tricky to write a single regex rule to parse multi-line comments by skipping */ inside double or back ticked strings.</p></pre>Sythe2o0: <pre><p>Well, the way you&#39;d probably do it is by having a parser state which was &#34;String in Comment&#34;. The problem would be ignoring parse errors in the string (i.e. unterminated strings).</p></pre>bru7us: <pre><p>Unterminated strings is the &#34;feature killer&#34; here actually -<br/> What if I want a multi line comment about string delimiters that deliberately includes unterminated strings (or single quote/backtick markers - will my comment never be &#34;closed&#34;?</p></pre>Sythe2o0: <pre><p>You are correct</p> <p>For some reason I thought I had written a parser that had this logic before, but I went back and it does not, for this reason</p></pre>

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