Floating point determinism

xuanbao · · 384 次点击    
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<p>Hi all,</p> <p>I am currently interested in floating point determinism in golang - especially cross platform. As golang adheres to the IEEE-Standard, this should be a given, with the exception of possibilities like compiler optimisations and/or different libraries (e.g. for square roots) which are imported from C.</p> <p>Unfortunately I couldnt find much about that topic - does any of you know more about it?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>epiris: <pre><p>I&#39;m sure you have a underlying motivation for asking which you probably should include. But a direct answer would be yes, Go implements the baseline recommendations in <a href="https://golang.org/pkg/builtin/#float64" rel="nofollow">ieee-754</a>. But you will want to probably read up on Go specification (its short and simple) around numeric conversions I&#39;m sure they will become relevant in real world usage of them.</p></pre>therealfakemoot: <pre><p>As I understand the situation, Golang will compile numeric code involving floats to IEEE-754 compliant code on the architectures that support it; architectures that do not support IEEE-754 or offer &#34;different&#34;-precision operations are a little more open ended. Golang&#39;s <a href="https://golang.org/pkg/math/big/" rel="nofollow">math.big</a> library offers arbitrary precision Floats and in theory that code might be compiled to use special instruction sets on CPUs that support it.</p> <p>Disclaimer: Not a Golang core developer or CPU architect.</p> <p>Perhaps your question could be more meaningfully answered if you narrowed down your query. What exactly is the problem you&#39;re having, or trying to solve? Do you have some sample code to look at? A minimal reproducing case would be helpful as a starting point.</p></pre>Poe_Account_Whatever: <pre><p>I do not have code yet, I am still in the &#34;gathering options&#34; phase. I will need my code to run perfectly reproducible with the exact same output on multiple different pcs.</p> <p>My current options are: 1) Implement everything using fixed point arithmetic. Would be lots of extra work I would like to avoid. 2) Make use of fp-determinism in golang (if it exists). A big problem with fp determinism is, that while the same calculation always gets the same result in ieee-754, a compiler might make optimisations. (a+b)+c != a+(b+c) after all (when floats are considered).</p> <p>As it stands now, I will write some test-suite to check if fp-operations are deterministic in golang. Something like a guarantee / test from someone else would have helped here and is what I was going for when asking the question.</p></pre>therealfakemoot: <pre><p>That&#39;s a tough one. A lot of the appeal ( or perhaps even the &#34;point&#34; ) of Golang is that it allows you to think at a high level and the Golang language and compiler deal with abstracting it down into an efficient program on-metal.</p> <p>Perhaps inlining ASM code would provide a suitable amount of control over your mathematical operations; I have no direct knowledge of the feature so I may be off base. The Golang ASM is an &#39;abstracted&#39;/generalized version of ASM that ALSO gets compiled down more intelligently.</p> <p>Another option might be to write your numerical code in C and leverage that from your Golang project. I imagine you can very strictly control handling at the C level. I&#39;m not sure exactly what your project involves but hypothetically, if you just define add, subtract, divide, multiply, modulo, and then leverage those &#34;fundamentals&#34; in your Go code you could provide determinism, i.e. once you have add() and divide() you could write a fp-deterministic avg() function in <em>Golang</em> allowing for type safety and the associated optimizations without losing your determinism.</p> <p>Most of this is wild-ish speculation, I&#39;ve got little experience worrying about things like this but I would like to think I&#39;ve got a decent grasp of abstracting your project into meaningful, useful components.</p> <p>Edit: I also forgot that you can embed FORTRAN in your Golang code as well; that may be an avenue worth pursuing. I found <a href="https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2013/07/16/floating-point-determinism/" rel="nofollow">this</a> article that waxes quite poetic about all the potential pitfalls and conditions involved in fp-determinism.</p></pre>PaluMacil: <pre><p>That article was a lot to make it through, but the writing is very easy to understand, and the information was quite interesting!</p></pre>

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