Interviewing Go Contributor David Cheney, on his life & times, his contributions to Go. Any Interesting Qs to ask him?

xuanbao · · 413 次点击    
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<p>Hello Go Experts,</p> <p>I have an opportunity to interview David Cheney in the show <a href=""></a>. Please provide me with few interesting questions to ask him on his life &amp; times, his contributions to Go or any other Go related questions. </p> <p>Thanks, Pramod</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>kaeshiwaza: <pre><p>Is simplicity a part of his way of life or only when he talk about Go ?</p></pre>computesomething: <pre><p>Ask him what he thinks of &#39;Go 2&#39;.</p></pre>shovelpost: <pre><p>Make it juicy. Ask him what he thinks about this subreddit. (<a href="!msg/golang-nuts/XoOhzUClDPs/f2DsVJA8CAAJ">Spoiler alert</a>).</p></pre>TheBallPeenHammerer: <pre><p>LUL</p> <p>I wouldn&#39;t delete the subreddit even if the content isn&#39;t the best. Reddit is where I get a ton of news on stuff I&#39;m interested in, plus this place has cool articles sometimes. I get the hate for spez though.</p></pre>rv77ax: <pre><p>I think he have Reddit account. Hi Dave!</p> <p>My question would be: what are top three programming language that you like? And why?</p> <p>Thanks for the answers.</p></pre>saturn_vk: <pre><p>Ask him why he hates generics and progress.</p></pre>chmikes: <pre><p>Simplicity is progress</p></pre>

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