New to Golang: What's the best best way to write a simple HTTP JSON API ?

agolangf · · 523 次点击    
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<p>Let&#39;s say I&#39;m building an incredibly simple JSON Web API.</p> <ul> <li>It has a few routes that respond to <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code></li> <li>It responds with JSON</li> </ul> <p>If I were developing in Ruby or Python, I&#39;d use a really simple web framework like Sinatra or Flask. </p> <p>I&#39;m brand new to Go and I&#39;ve been tasked with implementing this basic setup. Is there an equivalent framework in Go? Or would I event need a framework? (I&#39;m guessing yeah since a framework will take care of parsing URL query parameters and such right?)</p> <p>Or is it easy enough to use a standard Net/HTTP library to parse an incoming web request and then respond with JSON?</p> <p>Would love if the community could point a newbie in the right direction.</p> <p>Thank you!</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>acln0: <pre><p>If you&#39;re brand new to Go, be sure to start with the Go tour. Read Effective Go after that, then dive into the standard library.</p> <p>Don&#39;t use a framework. Use <code>net/http</code> and, perhaps, a third party request multiplexer if you want conveniences such as multiplexing based on HTTP method and having path parameters be parsed for you. <a href="" rel="nofollow">gorilla/mux</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow">go-chi/chi</a> are both reasonable choices.</p></pre>UnderwaterPenguin: <pre><p>thank you!</p> <p>Will read effective go.</p></pre>spiritofthetempest: <pre><p>Don&#39;t use a framework your first time around. It took me several projects to realize that net/http and encoding/json have everything you need for the majority of web apps. The Golang standard library is great, and I think a selling point of Go is that we often don&#39;t need to reach for third party tools when the Stl and a tiny bit of extra code will do.</p></pre>UnderwaterPenguin: <pre><p>Oh that&#39;s good to know, thank you!</p></pre>tmornini: <pre><p>I generally agree with <a href="/u/spiritofthetempest" rel="nofollow">/u/spiritofthetempest</a>, but I&#39;ll tip my hat to:</p> <pre><code> </code></pre> <p>It&#39;s a tiny, well tested, high performance library that suits my needs really, really well.</p></pre>needittobenotshit: <pre><p>Im in the same boat as you, cause Im learning Go I&#39;ve been sticking with standard library only. so just net/http. Its been very enjoyable thus far, I doubt its the best way though.</p></pre>

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