Large scale code generation to mimic generic abstraction

xuanbao · · 363 次点击    
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<p>Generics is more than simple type subsitution. In C++, template specialization evolved into a set of techniques to do compile time calculation, which leads to constexpr added to the language. In D, we have static if, which supports a subset of the D language in the compile time. Even if Go 2.0 starts to support Generics, it will take some time to same level of maturity. Code generation will continue to be a possible solution for a long time. But hand-rolled code generator will have scalability issue, we can not support complex logic such as one generic function calling another one. The goal of wombat is to build a large-scale code generation framework, which supports:</p> <ul> <li>dynamic code compilation for test</li> <li>static code generation for production</li> <li>expand time calculation</li> <li>recursion</li> <li>generic container</li> <li>type inference</li> </ul> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p>

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