Should I switch from Gogs to Gitea?

agolangf · 2017-08-10 11:00:08 · 2754 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2017-08-10 11:00:08 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

I have had Gogs running on my VPS for personal private repository storage for a while. I saw the Gitea fork happen a while back, and am unsure whether I should switch to Gitea or not. What are the advantages of switching? Are bugs truly fixed faster? Any comparisons or experience would be appreciated.



Gogs has beautiful, simple interface.

Gitea has more features(like 2-steps Auth), contributors. But the interface is getting worse since everyone can modify the interface easily via a Pull Request and not really everyone is good at the UI design.


Good to know. I thought I heard Gogs implemented 2FA as well. 2FA is very important to me however. The interface in the screenshots on their Github doesn't look too bad... I guess maybe I'll give it a shot. If I hate it, I'll have a Gogs backup to fall back on.


GitLab had this problem for a long time, too.


I'd recommend Gitea instead of Gogs, because it is more actively developed.

But be warned that you may not be able to migrate the same installation from Gogs to Gitea, because of incompatible database migrations between the two systems. (In the beggining of the fork this was possible).

You can watch this issue about it if you want:

The recommended path is make a backup, create a new Gitea installation and manually import repositories to new the installation. I know it's a pain, but worth if you have few repos.


Thanks. I'm running an older version of Gogs so I imagine an upgrade is possible, even if I have to start with an older version of Gitea and upgrade from there. :)


Yes, if you have an old version of Gogs you should be able to easily upgrade. (Do a backup before anyway!). You shouldn't need to upgrade to an older version of Gitea first in this case.

Have fun!


We're using Gitea in our local development. To be fair, I have to made some changes in Gitea UI but all other things works great. The only thing I miss in both Gogs and Gitea is the comment section for git commits but Gitea contributors is working on it so I will vote for Gitea :)


As you say, Gogs is great for a personal repository. If anything, I'd suggest you bitbucket, which gives you unlimited private repos + a team up to 5 people. It's amazing at $0/month, which I suspect you're paying more for your VPS. If you're fine with running Gogs, keep running Gogs, it's nice.


Thanks. I'm aware of Bitbucket. I prefer to host my own. I pay $5/month for a VPS and run many services off of it.


Sure. I have no idea why I was so massively downvoted. I strayed too much offtopic?


idk, it seems like people generally have a distaste for bitbucket. Not bad advice though, I would personally recommend GitLab for a free & hosted solution. Sounds like OP is set on self-hosting though.


Dave Cheney works at Atlassian, and GitLab had a major data loss outage only recently this year. I don't know man, Bitbucket is cost effective and reliable is what I'm saying. I'm hosting somewhere around 300-400 repositories (don't ask) and we lived on the free tier for something like 6-7 years before we moved to $10/month. It's amazing and I'll recommend it to anyone :)


Bitbucket allowed a corporation add me to their team, it polluted my repos, and wouldn't allow me to remove them.

I had to migrate everything off and delete my account.

I would recommend staying far away from bitbucket.


Any additional info on that? Edit: yes, i'm part of an org, just there's no "pollution" I'm aware of. There are perms settings on everything. And repo ownership etc. so what was the circumstance where you experienced issues?


I couldn't leave the "org". There was no way for me to leave.

Bitbucket's interface for repos included everything. I had to filter just to see my stuff.

And there was no way for me to remove myself from the org. Also, I believe they kicked me out twice.

I had some sensitive stuff on there. This kind of bug was complely unacceptable.

I've used Gogs in it's place.


I personally like gitea more for its features and more active development. Lots of bugfixes went into it too, it's like half of change lists between releases

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