countfloyd: a local feature server

polaris · 2017-08-17 09:00:20 · 657 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2017-08-17 09:00:20 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

countfloyd is sort of an odd duck project that I've been to hell and back with, abstracted out of several projects that I won't really talk about as they are private and proprietary dumpster fires of their own.

What is it?

From a high level, countfloyd allows you to get and dispense any number of features in any combination you might need. It is a tool for procedural generation.

For example, you have a game and in the game you need to generate a crowd of several hundred henchpeople. You could detail the height, color, fur variations, number of teeth, what weapons they are carrying, what they are wearing, etc, et al, but that would take a lot of time and isn't all that nuanced or varied over a long run; pregenerating and hard coding is predictable and stale for some situations. Preferably you'd want to generate many items randomly or algorithmically. This project will help with this.

Why release it?

Somebody other than me might find it useful, thats why we open source projects. I'd like to get feedback on what I cannot see -- there's a lot I miss, and perhaps someone can do things better.


There is essentially zero documentation. Parts are tested. If you want to use this and have questions, open them at

and I'll help as I am able.

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