Converting a excel sheet to golang

polaris · · 381 次点击    
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<p>Hello. I have a realy realy big excel sheet that needs to be ported to a web app. I think about using go for this. Any ideas if there is something out there that can be used for this? The sheet has many calculated values, and also some comboxes for selections. Many functions in the Excel-sheet are implemented as macros/vbs. I saw, that go supports google-sheets, so this could be one option, to store the data in there and do the calculations in google-sheet. But i would prefer some solution, where everything is on my server.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>tealeg: <pre><p>It sounds like you&#39;re just going to have to write a web app from scratch. I&#39;m not really sure what you&#39;re after here? Typically you&#39;d just store the data in a database instead of spreadsheet, but honestly it sounds like you&#39;ve not done this kind of work before. If that&#39;s the case your question shouldn&#39;t be &#34;can I do this in go?&#34;, but rather &#34;how to I go about making a data driven web application?&#34;. </p></pre>renemarxis: <pre><p>I&#39;m looking for something like <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> but for go. And yes, i did some apps that have database access :) for the last 25 years or so ... But i just started go recently, so i am not very familar with the libraries yet.</p></pre>SomniaStellarum: <pre><p>Might be best to extract current data and use something like csv to import it into a new database like (maybe using go) system. Go is general purpose enough to be able to do something like this, however you would be way better off writing it anew. Legacy code has all kinds of issues typically, and excel worksheets are more fragile that most (this is from experience btw). </p> <p>Look at gonum as a tool to make this happen. It&#39;s likely got everything you need. </p></pre>daenney: <pre><p>The only library I&#39;m familiar with is <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> which lets you read/write XLSX files (so only the &#34;new&#34; Office Open XML based format). W.r.t VB macro&#39;s though, that seems extremely unlikely to work unless you want to build a VB interpreter in Go, similarly w.r.t using formulae.</p></pre>tealeg: <pre><p>I&#39;m actually the author of that library, I don&#39;t think it will be of any use at all in this case - you could obviously use it to have an XLSX file as a &#34;database&#34; for your application, but frankly it&#39;s not an approach I&#39;d advise, and as you correctly summarise, executing the VB macros would be a <em>ahem</em> non-trivial task. </p></pre>TheMagicHorsey: <pre><p>Using Python and Pandas might be a better fit to be honest.</p></pre>

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