Does Android Go have anything to do with Go?

polaris · · 285 次点击    
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<p>Seems a bit confusing to have another Google product which features &#39;Go&#39; - &#39;Android Go&#39;, &#39;Youtube Go&#39; etc.., but it made me wonder how they&#39;re <a href="">rebuilding android to use less memory</a>.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>shovelpost: <pre><ul> <li>Announcing Android Go which has nothing to do with the Go programming language</li> <li>Announcing new language for Android: Kotlin</li> </ul> <p>These announcements crushed the hopes and dreams of all gophers.</p></pre>epiris: <pre><p>I think android Go is just a side effect of Go being a common word. Kotlin was another companies effort all together wasn&#39;t it? With Google not really having to do much other than official say this is okay and update their official IDE maybe? Didn&#39;t follow any of that closely so not sure.</p> <p>I did hope for a while when Go android support was spinning up while the oracle google legal battle was raging that it would result in massive resources into shifting towards Go. Did not happen :|</p></pre>chris-c-thomas: <pre><p>Yes, Kotlin is from JetBrains</p></pre>vorg: <pre><blockquote> <p>a side effect of Go being a common word</p> </blockquote> <p>Perhaps <em>Go</em> needs to officially change its name to <em>Golang</em>, that might solve these types of probs.</p></pre>hobbified: <pre><p>My hopes and dreams are just fine. Then again, my hopes and dreams never included mobile dev :)</p></pre>xlab_is: <pre><p>I know only that in the day of the announce</p> <p><a href=""></a> got ~100 more stars xD</p></pre>dm319: <pre><p>ha ha!! let&#39;s embrace the confusion:)</p></pre>hobbified: <pre><p>As much as Pokemon Go.</p></pre>claudiug1: <pre><p>kotlin will be android future. And I&#39;m curious about kotlin native integration with android</p></pre>

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