Wiki done in Golang?

blov · 2017-09-21 03:00:03 · 1320 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2017-09-21 03:00:03 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

Hi! I like the simplicity of deploying Go apps for ours small business internal usage. For example, last month we replaced Gitlab with Gitea and we are super happy with it and it's simpler requirements (to be honest Gitlab is great if you have a big team and use all it's features).

I'm looking for more tools to migrate, in this case our internal wiki used as a KB.. but it striked me that there aren't any open source wikis done in Golang, at least by searching github and filtering by language.. I'm missing something?



List of Go wiki software


I would like to add that the second one on that list (go-wiki) is just a toy project I created as a process to learn Go. But I posted it to HN (and Reddit I think?) and now it has a bunch of stars...


@metamatic thanks you for the list, I've glanced through it and unfortunately everything looks years away from what we are currently using (


We're building something that "docs + wiki":

Go + EmberJS front-end code, all packed and served up from single executable -- makes deployment and upgrades super easy (compared to the status quo).


There are some nice concepts in there. Keep a focus on making maintenance of a in knowledge base easier. Keeping its content up-to-date and relevant is the hardest part.


Totally agree. Stale content causes more issues than we think.


@HarveyKandola this looks interesting, I will play with it in the next days. I will have married VueJS instead of Ember though.


We started with Angular but switched to Ember, and VueJS was still new kid on the block at the time.


I was searching around for the exact same thing! Every wiki I find is either crazy complicated to setup, part of a much larger CMS/Knowledge Management System or isn't maintained anymore. We are using Dokuwiki right now and it is OK but has some rough edges around the WYSIWYG plugin and theming. If I had ANY skills in front end development I'd start working on one or modifying those out there already.


Yes same boat here, we are currently using and it looks great but has some rough edges, just to give an example, we have to wait for v2 to be able to delete a wiki page without going directly through the git repository (?).

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