Project idea Bigginer

blov · · 638 次点击    
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<p>I need an idea for a project and I&#39;d like it to be a web based app (like a Twitter client or a smart backup system). It doesn&#39;t need to be original. It just should not include a GUI I&#39;m new to go and web development. I just want a project that could make me understand better what it takes to be a web developer (not front-end)</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>earthboundkid: <pre><p>Make a twitter bot that tweets the phase of the moon every day. </p> <p>If you search on, there is a package for moon phases already, so the hard part is done. </p></pre>erdeicodrut: <pre><p>Nice one. Leave your Twitter here if you want so when I&#39;m done that account will follow you</p></pre>Removalsc: <pre><p>Make a REST api. Basically hook up a database and expose endpoints (urls) that would allow people to access what you have in the db. So like GET /users would show all the users as json. GET /users/42 would display the user data for user ID 42. Then add some security with loging in, error handling, creating and updating items, give users an association and work with sql joins, etc.</p> <p>Anything you build is gonna need those basics, so start with that and keep adding onto it, see where it takes you.</p></pre>erdeicodrut: <pre><p>I must admit the idea is good and exactly what i asked for. My fault was that i forgot to mention i did that using gorilla mux. If you have any ideas please keep going and i got one question: do programmers really like to make interfaces for databases aka RESTapi?</p></pre>Removalsc: <pre><p>I like the phases of the moon idea. You could make that restful and be able to add/remove accounts it will tweet to through an api.</p> <p>As far as enjoying it? Obviously in the real world clients have much larger expectations than just being able to log in. Things can get pretty complex and requested features can get very challenging. Just because the data is exposed on the web via an api doesn&#39;t mean the business logic for each endpoint is super simple. </p> <p>So yeah, I definitely enjoy it because the api aspect accounts for maybe 1% of the work, the rest is the same type of problem solving and challenges that all programmers like.</p></pre>govision: <pre><p>Why not do it without too many packages. Obviously use cors but try it without others. Put in a js search bar. Allow multiple requests on the same page. Have the page take in any api. Make multiple tables and try to make an api from them. Write a code generation cli tool for APIs. Make a darn fine logger for APIs. Allow restful requests all on the same page that can run at the same time. ... Anything</p></pre>

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