Preferred Git Platform

xuanbao · 2017-10-20 12:00:40 · 745 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2017-10-20 12:00:40 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

I'm currently in the process of working on a small start-up project that will most likely be built in Go and I'm looking for feedback regarding Git platforms. I have experience using Github, Beanstalk, and Assembla but I'm having a hard time choosing a platform for this projects. Most of the work I've done previously has been in languages other than Go so I'm not entirely sure if one platform is better than others for Go projects. I've had a lot of success with Beanstalk so I'm leaning in that direction but I'm also open to other suggestions. I'm also looking into different CI/CD pipelines but leaning towards Jenkins and Ansible since that's what I'm most familiar with. I've considered GitLab but have zero experience using their platform or CI/CD tools and don't know how well they work with Go projects. The only real requirements that I have are that the platform I use offers private repos and some sort of review feature such as Github's pull requests or Beanstalks code reviews. I know that a question like this is prone to bias but I want to know others experiences and opinions regarding Git platforms and Go.

Edit: I've also been looking at AWS CodeCommit but what I've found online and here on Redit so far hasn't led me to believe that it would be the best solution. We will most likely start out on AWS so the fact that CodeCommit is part of the ecosystem is a plus. I'm not sure if the drawbacks outweigh the benefits though.



We use Gitlab at work, and it’s really good. The list of features is amazing, all the stuff you’d expect of git, plus a ton of CI stuff. We’re using the CI pipeline to build containers, push to AWS docker registry, update tasks and deploy services.

They release on the 22nd of each month and it’s pretty cool to see all the new features completed over just the previous month. We’re over 12 months behind the latest version, and it still does 99% of what we need


Is the CI integrated right into Gitlab or is it like Github where you can set your CI (travis/jenkins) to hook up to your repo?


My understanding is that it’s integrated into the platform.


For some time ago, I wanted to make a demo of the CI in gitlab, for go projects.

I works partly, but i never finished it, or announced it. You can see it at

As long as you have the .gitlab-ci.yml - it will run.

edit: check out the CI piplines, its quite nice


Have you looked into gitea?

It is very light weight and you can host privately


I'm surprised you didn't mention Atlassian's Bitbucket. You're allowed as many free private repos as you like. Been using them for years, wouldn't use anything else, as they have an entire suite of products. They've got integration with tons of other services, including Jenkins & Ansible. They also appear to have Golang support. Plus I like the SourceTree Git app that comes in handy from time to time. You get a free wiki and a lightweight issue tracker, and you can alway upgrade to Confluence &&|| JIRA if you need to. I've worked on a team of 10 using nothing but Atlassian, and I couldn't imagine better integration across all products than what you get with Atlassian. Their CI integration is referred to as Pipelines, or you can go all in and using Bamboo, but I think you may need to self host it. Their code review features are also great. Comments inline, and you can configure it to allow a change to be accepted after x number of OK's from other devs. It works really well.


We use self hosted gitlab at work, we use a lot of the CI tools it provides to build containers and deploy on GCP, I think it's a great solution

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