Functional Programming Market Report 2017 (Go insights included)

xuanbao · · 1091 次点击    
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<p>Hi Gophers,</p> <p>I&#39;m Bogdan, part of the team at Functional Works and about two weeks ago I did a market report into the state of functional programming in 2017.</p> <p>I know Go is an interesting multi-paradigm hybrid - or the &#34;C of the 21st century&#34; as a friend put it - but as it constantly came up during my research, I thought to post it here.</p> <p>I used info from Github, SO, Stackshare and our own job-board which has been around for a few years.</p> <p>Check out the link below: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>P.S.: you don&#39;t need to be signed-in to our platform to see the whole details. Just feel free to zoom in on the images, because we use github-style markdown and they might render at a smaller resolution.</p> <p>If you have any questions - fire away! Cheers, Bogdan</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>__ek: <pre><p>I&#39;ve been waiting for a successful memory safe C dialect for a very long time, it seems we finally have one (Go) with enough mindshare to hopefully stay relevant for the next 10 years! I&#39;m also watching Rust closely.</p></pre>twek: <pre><p>I wanted to like rust, I realllllyyyy did but theres so much &#34;syntactic sugar&#34; (Like trait annotations?)... I probably would have loved it if I didnt learn Go first, the fact that I was writing effective Go code within 4 hours of starting to learn the language really spoiled me lol. That being said (as primarily a java programmer at work) Kotlin is reaallyyy nice. I can&#39;t wait till it can produce native binaries. It even &#34;compiles&#34; to javascript for web browsers.</p></pre>__ek: <pre><p>Traits <em>roughly</em> do the same thing as Go interfaces. But yes, I worry a bit that Rust is too complex for newcomers and at the same time the remaining C++ developers might simply continue maintaining their huge legacy codebases so the language might not get enough traction in the future.</p></pre>nomadProgrammer: <pre><p>isnt golang more used than Scala?</p></pre>tv64738: <pre><p>What does this have to do with functional programming, and what does that have to do with Go?</p></pre>p-h: <pre><p>The site is unreadable on mobile.</p></pre>

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