Go + Windows?

polaris · · 821 次点击    
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<p>I tried using go on windows a few years back and it was an absolute nightmare. However I liked the language itself so I was pretty miffed about that. Figured I would give it another go (heh), but it seems not much has been done to rectify the situation. That&#39;s not very surprising, considering the last time I tried to raise my concerns I was met with a lot of hand waving. Is go really content with being a non-windows language? I think that is pretty sad.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>Aeaex: <pre><p>You included no useful information in your post. If you found using Go on Windows so painful, it might help to share with us <strong>why</strong> it was so painful. Perhaps you&#39;re just doing something wrong.</p></pre>syrillix: <pre><p>I use windows predominantly at home because of games etc.. I also work on a lot of side projects in Go.. I haven&#39;t had any real issues.</p> <p>Can you expound on what issues you&#39;ve been dealing with?</p></pre>SQLServerIO: <pre><p>Yeah, looks tollish to me. I write in Go every day on Windows. Libraries are maturing and you can even build DLL&#39;s in Go now. I would recommend avoiding cgo if at all possible. I also wished there was a native Go lib for SQLite but that is just about it.</p></pre>natefinch: <pre><p>The user&#39;s name is random garbage, and it&#39;s his first post. Seems to just be a troll, please ignore unless he comes back with any reasonable information.</p></pre>Sythe2o0: <pre><p>What problems did you have?</p></pre>Kraigius: <pre><p>The language is made for cross platform compatibility in the sense that you only need one codebase and you can target whichever system you want to compile to. The only thing that comes to my mind about problems on Windows is that the plugin system won&#39;t work (it is a WIP after all) and the installer won&#39;t set GOPATH or GOBIN for you (and it won&#39;t give you the option). Windows users are used to have installers that handle everything for them and it&#39;s very annoying having to search for resources on what to set those two system var, the installation instructions on golang.org are incomplete on that subject.</p> <p>Once this is configured, you don&#39;t have to touch it ever again but it can make first contact with the language needlessly complex/annoying.</p> <p>Beside that...maybe the support of Windows components aren&#39;t that good if you want to integrate into the ecosystem (ie: registry/eventlog) but then this is mostly because Windows is awfully built in the first place. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ </p> <p>What are your concerns? If you list them perhaps we can address them and give you peace of mind.</p></pre>lordnins: <pre><p>I&#39;m using go in production as a windows service without issues, so i don&#39;t see what is your problem. Go has evolved so why don&#39;t you give it a try and make new conclusions.</p></pre>yesthattom: <pre><p>It is a lot better now. Give it a try.</p></pre>

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