<p>I am fairly new to GoLang and the ecosystem in general, because so far I've been doing things the Go-way by only relying on my code and built-in packages, however I wanted to bridge the overhead by using a few community packages, like the awesome Gin HTTP framework.</p>
<p>I ran into the issue of it replying on the package go-yaml/yaml.v2, which seems to be abandoned by its developers and many of issues / feature requests have gone unnoticed. So far I've patched an issue locally where it incorrectly errors on a nil pointer on data where nil is expected, however say I want to build my package on a different machine, I would run into that machine not having my patched version of the package.</p>
<p>What is the best practice in cases like this? I've forked the aforementioned project and started applying some fixes and even set up CI to test it automatically. Should I just fork the package that's using the dependency, update it and use my local version? That would put back all the overhead of having to check for updates and merging manually, which is why I started using a framework in the first place. What is the best practice in this case?</p>
<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>natefinch: <pre><p>I'm not sure I'd call go-yaml abandoned per se... but it definitely needs maintainers that have the time to go through every PR and issue.</p></pre>danielkov: <pre><p>Exactly my thoughts. I would even offer my help maintaining the package, but I couldn't find any info related to that being a possibility.</p></pre>natefinch: <pre><p>I know the maintainers well, I'm pinging them, and we'll see what we can do. </p>
<p>Since this is basically the canonical (heh) yaml library for Go, it needs to be well-maintained.</p></pre>danielkov: <pre><p>That's nice of you. It's a great package in general imo.</p></pre>vorg: <pre><blockquote>
<p>I want to build my package on a different machine, I would run into that machine not having my patched version of the package</p>
<p>You can put the package in the vendor sub-directory at the top-level directory structure of your own package.</p></pre>danielkov: <pre><p>Thanks for the answer! I am actually doing that at the moment but I wanted to use a fork of the original package, which would have a different path. To try to solve this I used dep and added a source property to the package which points to my patched version, though because I did not directly depend on go-yaml, but gin did, it didn't do the magic for me. It seems that it's only doing a shallow dependency management and does not really take care of chains as much.</p></pre>Veonik: <pre><p>You can add go-yaml to your project explicitly with this in your Gopkg.toml:</p>
<pre><code>required = ["gopkg.in/yaml.v2"]
<p>I'd presume that that directive, in addition to your source property under go-yaml's constraint section, would take care of you.</p></pre>danielkov: <pre><p>It seems to ignore the constraint when I specify the package as required. I'm not too familiar with dep yet, sadly.</p></pre>
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