Why is there no sql.NullUint64?

agolangf · · 607 次点击    
这是一个分享于 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
<p>I will start with a example:</p> <p>Table <code>location</code>:</p> <pre><code>+----------+------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +----------+------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+ | id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | &lt;null&gt; | auto_increment | | name | varchar(255) | NO | | &lt;null&gt; | | +----------+------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+ </code></pre> <p>Table <code>organization</code> which has foreign key relationship with user, but is not required:</p> <pre><code>+------------------+------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +------------------+------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+ | id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | &lt;null&gt; | auto_increment | | location_id | int(10) unsigned | YES | MUL | &lt;null&gt; | | +------------------+------------------+------+-----+-------------------+-----------------------------+ </code></pre> <p>Structs representing these tables (how it should be):</p> <pre><code>type Location struct { ID uint Name string } type Organization struct { ID uint LocationID sql.NullUint32 } </code></pre> <p>But there is no NullUint32, only NullInt64, which in its maximum <em>positive</em> value would overflow the MySQL&#39;s maximum UNSIGNED INT, which is 32b field with ranges 0 - 4294967295, compared to Go&#39;s NullInt64 (-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807)</p> <p>Does anyone know why is there no sql.NullUint32 (or NullInt32) variants? </p> <p>Is ther a better way to express these relationships? Of course, I could just leave NullInt64 and leave it be, but I&#39;d rather have the types describe my DB layout correctly.</p> <p>Thank you.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>0xjnml: <pre><p>Write your own NullUint64 type implementing the database/sql.Scanner interface.</p></pre>lunemec: <pre><p>Yes, that is a option, I was looking at the current implementation in the sql package, and it is rather complicated, and I don&#39;t want to copy&amp;paste the entire sql package. My question is why is there no built-in type in the sql package, from looking at their source code, it looks to me a simple matter of writing 10 lines per type (with their current code)...</p></pre>williamwaack: <pre><p>Maybe in their evaluation, most programmers would not use the nullable types so much and that justifies casting your (db stored) int32, uint32 into a higher capacity NullInt64. So, if you need this optimization, as <a href="/u/0xjnml" rel="nofollow">/u/0xjnml</a> said, you could use the interfaces and write your own.</p></pre>0xjnml: <pre><p>Looks trivial to me: <a href="https://github.com/golang/go/blob/5476967b1a3d29fef4061999c00cadbec19ac0e3/src/database/sql/sql.go#L184-L208" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/golang/go/blob/5476967b1a3d29fef4061999c00cadbec19ac0e3/src/database/sql/sql.go#L184-L208</a></p></pre>lunemec: <pre><p>Yes, it did to me too if not for function convertAssign, look here: <a href="https://github.com/golang/go/blob/ff4ee8816226b6c84690a56fb3b16c9210e68431/src/database/sql/convert.go#L209-L425" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/golang/go/blob/ff4ee8816226b6c84690a56fb3b16c9210e68431/src/database/sql/convert.go#L209-L425</a></p></pre>neoasterisk: <pre><p>Check out <a href="https://husobee.github.io/golang/database/2015/06/12/scanner-valuer.html" rel="nofollow">this article</a>. It has helped me before when I had to create custom db types.</p></pre>Veonik: <pre><p>I have to say, that <code>convertAssign</code> function is a terrible, awful thing. You shouldn&#39;t need anything like that, since you know exactly what you&#39;re receiving from MySQL and exactly what you&#39;re trying to put it into.</p> <p>Here&#39;s a full implementation for a type that simply unmarshals json into a struct and then marshals back into json to be stored as a byte array: <a href="https://github.com/motki/motki/blob/master/model/user.go#L324-L336" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/motki/motki/blob/master/model/user.go#L324-L336</a></p></pre>0xjnml: <pre><p>Not tested: <a href="https://play.golang.org/p/kfecNFJ1SO" rel="nofollow">https://play.golang.org/p/kfecNFJ1SO</a></p></pre>LadyDascalie: <pre><p>This is easy to do, write your own type, and satisfy a few interfaces:</p> <p>Like so: <a href="https://goplay.space/#cW_1BGPcje" rel="nofollow">https://goplay.space/#cW_1BGPcje</a></p></pre>

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