Help making JSON data

blov · · 431 次点击    
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<p>Hello, I am trying to take data in, and output it in a specific JSON format. The final format of the data should be a text file presented as shown below:</p> <pre><code>&#34;nodes&#34;: [ {&#34;id&#34;:&#34;;}, {&#34;id&#34;:;} ], &#34;links&#34;: [ { &#34;source&#34;:&#34;;, &#34;destination&#34;:&#34;;}, ] </code></pre> <p>How can I accomplish this in golang? I&#39;ve been trying to make structs to represent the data but I&#39;m not having much luck unfortunately. </p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>janderssen: <pre><p>Create a struct as follows </p> <pre><code>type Node struct { ID string `json:&#34;id&#34;` } type Link struct { Source string `json:&#34;source&#34;` Destination string `json:&#34;destination&#34;` } type Device struct { Links []Link `json:&#34;links&#34;` } </code></pre> <p>Next populate it and when done convert it to JSON as follows :</p> <pre><code>data := &amp;Device{} data.Source = append(data.Source, ......) data.Links = append(data.Links, ......) jsonBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, &#34;&#34;, &#34; &#34;) // nice formatting fmt.Printf(&#34;%s\r\n&#34;, string(jsonBytes)) </code></pre> <p>Cheers</p></pre>monkey-go-code: <pre><p>This is the right answer. </p></pre>shovelpost: <pre><p>You can use <a href=""></a> to generate a quick and dirty struct for Go from JSON input:</p> <pre><code>{ &#34;nodes&#34;:[ { &#34;id&#34;:&#34;; }, { &#34;id&#34;:&#34;; } ], &#34;links&#34;:[ { &#34;source&#34;:&#34;;, &#34;destination&#34;:&#34;; } ] } type AutoGenerated struct { Nodes []struct { ID string `json:&#34;id&#34;` } `json:&#34;nodes&#34;` Links []struct { Source string `json:&#34;source&#34;` Destination string `json:&#34;destination&#34;` } `json:&#34;links&#34;` } </code></pre></pre>achNichtSoWichtig: <pre><p>What is your struct code?</p> <p>Also I am pretty sure, you can&#39;t just have to key-value-pairs by themself, you probably need at least surrounding curly braces.</p></pre>kpurdon: <pre><p>Here is an example reading in the JSON output you pasted: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Depends on what your input data is though.</p></pre>templarrei: <pre><p>Try this one:</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Just be careful to not name your property names with lowercase. That makes them private and the json package can&#39;t access them to extract their values.</p></pre>

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