Tip for my app

blov · · 591 次点击    
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<p>Hello, I am working on a app which consists of a UI and this &#34;detached&#34; daemon running on a raspberry pi. I want the daemon to be controlled remotely. To achieve this I thought of:</p> <ul> <li>API that will be polled every once in a while to know what the daemon has to do</li> <li>The daemon should be running forever and call the api/execute the instructions</li> </ul> <p>Does this make sense? How can I build something like this in go? Does it make sense to have a forever-running daemon or should I have a cron entry that triggers the program?</p> <p>Is it possible to have a cli through which you can retrieve the command, and then run another go program that executes this command?</p> <p>What can I research? How do you design this kind of stuff?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>slabgorb: <pre><p>This may be helpful for this scenario: <a href="https://golang.org/pkg/net/rpc/" rel="nofollow">https://golang.org/pkg/net/rpc/</a></p></pre>ask: <pre><p>What the thing does, how often it talks and what other constraints or requirements you have makes a difference for what the right answer is.</p> <p>It sounds like you are just starting out though, so ... just get typing and try it out. It can work and if it&#39;s not quite the right solution in the end, you&#39;ll for sure have learned a bunch and will have some empirical experience to apply next time you are trying to match a solution to your problem.</p></pre>LC2712: <pre><p>Hi, how often it talks really depends. The ideal scenario is to have a node (for example) app sending commands (json) to the remote raspberry pi, so it doesn&#39;t have to check itself. It might be the case to have a socket, but not sure.</p></pre>

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