<p>How can I tell golang to unmarshal a JSON into a map[interface{}]interface{}?</p>
<p>Would I need to write my own json.Unmarshal()? Can anyone point me to a resource to help with that.</p>
<p>The actual issue is that I need to change an existing codebase where map[interface{}]interface{} is used in a lot of places and there are lots of assertions like v.(map[interface{}]interface{}) which means that I will need to make a lot of changes in an already fragile codebase. How do I solve this issue?</p>
<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>trevorstarick: <pre><p><code>map[string]interface{}</code> might be a better choice if you're able to do so. It should let you unmarshal the first level of your JSON content and then you can do some type assertions on each of the interfaces.</p>
<p>Here's an example of how you can go along and write a custom Marshaler and Unmarshaler: <a href="https://play.golang.org/p/7nk5ZEbVLw" rel="nofollow">https://play.golang.org/p/7nk5ZEbVLw</a></p></pre>hashhar: <pre><p>Thanks for the example. Will look into it and let you know how it goes.</p></pre>commaok: <pre><p>Also check out raw message <a href="https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#RawMessage" rel="nofollow">https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#RawMessage</a></p></pre>vedhavyas: <pre><p>If the map[interface{}]interface{} is marshaled and unmarshalled to/from JSON, then you can safely replace it with map[string]interface{} and remove key type assertions.</p></pre>hashhar: <pre><p>Thanks. But the biggest issue is tracking down all such assertions. Is there any way to track down all assertions in a golang project?</p>
<p>This is obviously the best way to proceed but would require a lot of effort. I guess I better get started then.</p></pre>theOtherOtherBob: <pre><blockquote>
<p>Is there any way to track down all assertions in a golang project?</p>
<p>grep something like <code>[.](.*)</code>?</p></pre>vedhavyas: <pre><p>grep maybe?</p></pre>
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