Golang-hampshire, a user group for Go developers in Hampshire, UK

polaris · · 678 次点击    
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<p>Hey guys.</p> <p>I&#39;m not sure how many of us there are, but i&#39;ve decided to set up a user group for Hampshire based developers, with the idea of sharing ideas and skills, and maybe progressing to meetups/talks in future. if anyone is interested in the group, please come over to #golang-hampshire on freenode. I&#39;ll probably start a mailing list and website too in time.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>quiI: <pre><p>Interesting, I am pretty ignorant as far as dev communities outside of london. A lot going on over there?</p></pre>alexisnotonfire: <pre><p>Portsmouth/Southampton have a decent tech scheme, there is a fairly large php user group that has meetups once a month in Portsmouth. I work at a decent sized tech firm with a few people keen to join, and I know that there are other companies around here using Go.</p></pre>oarmstrong: <pre><p>Ooh, I&#39;m right on the Surrey / Hampshire border, count me in for this :)</p></pre>warmans: <pre><p>You could start a group on meetup.com. thought being in Southampton its likely to be more losergroup then usergroup. I think bloody daryl hosted a meetup at the office before for something. Probably something not safe for work </p></pre>jfcalcerrada: <pre><p>I live in Southampton and more than happy to join!</p></pre>

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