<p>Hi. I'm am Go stalker inside here and currently I work as a full time Android developer with both Java and Kotlin. From the new year I want to slowly transition into backend development with Java and Go which I havent made a single line of code with yet!</p>
<p>But I want to ask what do you program with Go and at which awsome company?</p>
<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>meta_leap: <pre><p>Freelancing this year for a multi-national retail concern on a "AWS/GAE-like corporate in-house cloud platform" in parallel with coaching their devs Go development there as-we-progress, so they can get up to speed and actually <em>own</em> their code-base for the years to come. Really enjoying that project and am glad Go is finally slowly arriving in the "freelancer universe" --- for years it was just my hobby horse, while doing run-off-the-mill "enterprise .NET" gigs for the bills. Which was also fun, but Go is of course in countless ways funner.</p>
<p>That said, seems that corps will "enterprisify everything" --- be it agile, startup chic, lean-and-mean formerly-indie languages & stacks, you name it, they'll manage to! Like a force of nature. In Go within such a context, one may watch out for one that long-term-employed human developers don't acceptingly turn into code generators but rather grow their powers and skills by writing code generators (and identifiying the ample opportunities for that in "the real world" of interop/protocols/formats/etc), for an illustrative example most-everyone here will be able to relate to ;)</p>
<p>Hobby-wise, I'm putting the finishing touches on my custom/alternative VS-Code "Go plugin" (more like potentially-one-day-multi-editor-and-multi-language-IDEish-backend-almost-like-a-language-server-but-custom-and-written-in-Go-with-only-the-thinnest-leanest-nodejs-layer-on-the-vsc-side --- right now serving all my Go-in-VSC needs and in a <em>subjectively</em> smoother, less laggy manner --- don't care to back that up or drum this project up all that much for some time though). Next up on the hobbyist front, experimenting with some custom FP language from scratch, just for fun (interpreter, transpiler etc) and to get ever better at understanding ever more intimately the fun-damentals of the paradigm</p></pre>
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