I'm a pro java developer. Shall I learn golang or something else? what else?

polaris · · 662 次点击    
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<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>quiI: <pre><p>Why do you think you&#39;ll get a good answer here?</p> <p>What interests you? </p> <p>If I were you I&#39;d probably go for Scala tbh, to learn some functional programming. Whilst there are some interesting things to learn in Go it wont push you that much. </p> <p>I see Go as a nice alternative to a lot of things you can do in Java. Scala/Haskell will push you as a developer more.</p> <p>But anyway, you need to put more thought into this.</p></pre>sorennielsen: <pre><p>Being a fulltime Java developer myself I can only recommend learning Go as I have.</p> <p>Been using Go for all non-job related projects for two years now and I love it.</p> <p>The simplicity of Go code also makes you write Java code differently because you are reminded that it does not need to be so insanely &#34;enterprisy&#34; all the time.</p> <p>And not fighting with build tools, classpaths, deployment and application servers is extremely nice.</p></pre>Growlizing: <pre><p>I am also working with java everyday. Learning go has really taught me to clean up my code as well. Using go now for all side-projects. It&#39;s awesome getting binaries built and not mucking about with maven.</p> <p>I also dabbled in Haskell which also taught me a lot about how to write java.</p></pre>geodel: <pre><p>Same here. Go helped me write clean java code as well.</p></pre>1Gijs: <pre><p>Not sure if this is the best place to ask &#39;what else [if not Go]&#39;</p> <p>Maybe you should add some more background like why you consider learning another (alternative ?) language.</p></pre>thomasfr: <pre><p>I think you should learn Go, C++, Python, ML, Common Lisp and Haskell. It&#39;s useful to know all of them.</p></pre>jimuazu: <pre><p>Look at this similar thread on <a href="/r/rust" rel="nofollow">/r/rust</a> and BE AFRAID: <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/3crtcc/languages_to_learn_after_rust/" rel="nofollow">https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/3crtcc/languages_to_learn_after_rust/</a></p> <p>I&#39;m quite interested in Pony -- Rust-like guarantees but a fast actor runtime. But Go has a huge advantage in being friendly to tools, especially for automated refactoring and formatting. It is also maturing really nicely now (regarding GC and platform support and so on).</p></pre>diegobernardes: <pre><p>its always good to learn something new, don&#39;t means that you need drop java, learning go gonna make you a better java programmer.</p> <p>give go a change, you gonna like it, if not, there is tons of others good options too: rust, clojure, elixir, etc.. etc..</p></pre>Iggymacd: <pre><p>I am also a java developer, and I have specific reason for wanting to try other languages. Mostly because I am interested in learning something new.</p> <p>I guess the question I would have for you is this. For what reason do you want to turn your attention away from Java? I am a huge fan of Go, but everyone has their own reasons for liking it. I am curious what your angle is on Java and why you are seeking something else?</p></pre>albatr0s: <pre><p>No</p></pre>

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