Shell script to run multiple go apps non-interactively

blov · · 472 次点击    
这是一个分享于 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
<p>Hi there. I&#39;m not the most hot devops/bash-y person in the world. Running <code>go run *.go</code> spits out the log of what happens in my app. If I try to make a shell sccript to loop through a bunch of folders and run <code>go run *.go</code> in each one, it stops at the first one, as expected. How can I tell bash to continue, or open a new process, or whatever? </p> <p>Thanks : )</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>wheey: <pre><p>I think this should be posted in <a href="/r/bash" rel="nofollow">/r/bash</a>, but anyhow I am not sure what you expect to happen here after execution:</p> <ul> <li><p>Execute all and exit bash script</p></li> <li><p>Execute all and wait until Ctrl+C is pressed which would kill all executed and exit the bash script</p></li> </ul> <p>If you need just execute all and then exit bash script I would go this route:</p> <p>go run *.go &gt;&gt; stdout_log_filename 2&gt;&gt; stderr_log_filename &amp;</p> <p>PID1=$!</p> <p>go run *.go &gt;&gt; stdout_log_filename 2&gt;&gt; stderr_log_filename &amp;</p> <p>PID2=$!</p> <p>This will give you two separate log files for each &#34;instance&#34;, one which will have stdout (useful if your go uses fmt.Println or similar which outputs to console), and stderr which will be written only on standard error.</p> <p>Each &#34;instance&#34; will have own PID which you need to remember (write it to file then later read from file and check if it&#39;s running), or using ps command. </p> <p>Please note that you will need to make &#34;start|stop&#34; script.</p></pre>diabetesjones: <pre><p>Exactly what I wanted. Thanks very much for your help!</p></pre>ashfame: <pre><p>Think you can just do “go run *.go &amp;”</p> <p>Why do you need to do this though? Curious as to what use case can possible require this.</p></pre>diabetesjones: <pre><p>I&#39;m just playing around with how Go and bash work. Starting a bunch of different services at once before moving to docker/docker compose to bring them up.</p></pre>

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