Very tiny caching HTTP proxy

blov · · 555 次点击    
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<p>Hi,</p> <p>at work we tried to configure the Apache HTTP server to act as a reverse proxy with caching. We couldn&#39;t get it to work in more than three hours. At home I wrote exactly this in two hours: A reverse proxy that caches the requests: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>It would be great if I get some feedback to the code: What could go wrong using it? What could be done more efficient/readable/elegant/shorter/...?</p> <p>Regards Hauke</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>tsdtsdtsd: <pre><p>I believe you should use a custom <a href="" rel="nofollow">http.Client</a> instead of a direct http.Get, so you can set a meaningful timeout. And maybe you want to handle redirects in a custom way too. <a href="" rel="nofollow">This</a> is a nice article about that stuff. EDIT: also check the comments in that article, some good stuff there too.</p></pre>tv64738: <pre><p>He should definitely plumb up the incoming context to the outgoing one, to get request cancellation.</p></pre>theo_retiker: <pre><p>Thanks for this article, I thought all the time that there&#39;s a default timeout like 30 seconds. But now I&#39;m using the http.Client and http.Server (as mentioned in the comments, the default server has timeout issues too).</p></pre>-amir: <pre><p>Seems like the cache is not thread safe...</p></pre>theo_retiker: <pre><p>Oh, yes, that&#39;s right and something I&#39;ll work on later. Thank for the hint :)</p></pre>dahlma: <pre><p>This is cool! I&#39;ve written a proxy as well, unfortunately not something I can share but so far it&#39;s worked out pretty well. I&#39;m storing the data in a DB instead of file system since I&#39;m running the app on heroku, I need it to not rely on the filesystem (s3 may be an option but would need to look into latency)</p> <p>I&#39;m wondering though, when you save the information to the filesystem, does that retain headers?</p></pre>

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