any discourse-like forum (in Go) ?

agolangf · 2018-02-02 14:30:02 · 766 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2018-02-02 14:30:02 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

hi there,

I am looking for a discourse-like forum, in Go. Does anybody know of such a thing?

Interestingly, reading the post, I stumbled upon:

which could be just what I am looking for, but there are no link to any github repo... :}



I was considering writing a backend/frontend/REST-ish architecture forum in Go and React+TypeScript, as far as I know there are no large scale forums with a Go backend that are similar to Discourse.

Knowing there's interest in this, I may start soon and I'll post to this sub when I do!


It's something that I've considered in the past too - I haven't been particularly impressed with some technical aspects of Discourse (iirc, how they deal with containers and db updates at the time).

A forums-as-microservice application that can scale, run on kubernetes and perhaps be globally distributed (cassandra/dynamodb?) would be cool, as well as decoupling the presentation from the API and using some stuff like webcomponents (to throw out a laundry list of things that don't necessarily have end-user value).


About I found a link in its source, looks like a service


hum... digging through the forum a bit (and using google translate), I grabbed:


I wrote a simple forum web app in go. It's nowhere near discourse though...


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