Is Go suitable for building payment gateway backend?

blov · · 514 次点击    
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<p>I have seen Java, .net technologies are used in this field. But never heard of Go. I want to know what kind of advantages and drawbacks may be? </p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>dlsniper: <pre><p>Considering there&#39;s a bank, Monzo in UK, building their whole backend in Go, then yes, Go probably is ok.</p></pre>ligustah: <pre><p>I wouldn&#39;t say that you can&#39;t do it in Go, but I&#39;m pretty sure Monzo specifically used JVM technology to actually interface with other banks. So most of their backend is Go, but not all of it. Can&#39;t remember the source right now, was some talk or blog post.</p></pre>tural-esger: <pre><p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>Tikiatua: <pre><p>Hi there,</p> <p>Main thing will probably be the api documentation, versioning and dynamic data struct – i.e. same struct with different fields depending on the type. However, I would argue that you should not use dynamic data structs anyway. Good api documentation will probably be the most important things for your customers (from my personal experience).</p></pre>grabberfish: <pre><p>Go is used in the payments world.</p> <p>Pros: Fast development time, portability.</p> <p>Cons: Dev pool depth (cost of resources).</p> <p>Interfacing issues between the entities are largely irrelevant as people use open formats and utilise what they inherited on the backend.</p></pre>tural-esger: <pre><p>Would you elaborate please. Your point caught my eyes.</p></pre>EclecticMind: <pre><p>Funny seeing this here. I was working on this exact problem earlier today.</p> <p>It&#39;s hard to say if Go will be a good fit for you without understanding more about your requirements. Do you deal with multiple currencies? Are you going to support more than one merchant? Is there anyone on your team experienced in Go?</p></pre>tural-esger: <pre><p>Yes with multiple currencies, lots of merchants. And I didn&#39;t get your point on experienced developer. Anyway whatever programming language you use you will hire experienced developer. Put it this way. Say I want to build local payment gateway then if successful open to the world. One of guys talked about Monzo wrote their backend with go. I found that post and read. It was helpful. Your thoughts are welcome also. </p></pre>sandos: <pre><p>There is also a lightning (bitcoin) implemention (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) done in go, and I see no reason why you couldn&#39;t do payment related thingsin Go.</p></pre>tural-esger: <pre><p>Because these enterprise technologies are written in Java and .net. I think it can be some cases that Go would be incompatible with them maybe. Or maybe we must implement most of things from scratch rather than buying ready solutions and so on. </p></pre>Sythe2o0: <pre><p>You&#39;re correct in that the disadvantages, if they exist, will be that many things won&#39;t be already written for you, especially if your shop is picky about using open source libraries. That&#39;s essentially the only disadvantage, unless you get into more specifics about the code you will be wanting to write, as there aren&#39;t really specific challenges that a payment gateway implies that will vary by language.</p> <p>There isn&#39;t anything about enterprise tech that would change this. </p></pre>zanven42: <pre><p>Well you can write a grpc service and use the JVM as a local gateway that passes on requests. Hopefully very minimal code, rather annoying to keep maintained but could be worse. Anything is doable it&#39;s just how bad are the cons, I can&#39;t answer. </p></pre>schumacherfm: <pre><p>They <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> tried and failed.</p> <p>They removed their main repo which contained the payment logic. It was online a couple of monthssss ago. Code base was not that nice, afair.</p></pre>HighOnCloud: <pre><p>reptilians confirmed</p></pre>shovelpost: <pre><blockquote> <blockquote> <p>It was online a couple of monthssss ago.</p> </blockquote> <p>reptilians confirmed</p> </blockquote> <p>That cracked me up! :D</p></pre>schumacherfm: <pre><p>me too :-)</p></pre>

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