<p>The official Vancouver Gophers Meetup happens pretty infrequently (about once a year), and so I was looking to get a monthly Meetup started along side it.</p>
<p>Right now I'm looking for feedback regarding interest and speakers/presenters. I'd like to start off with more basic Go presentations and ramp up to more in depth talks so newer gophers (like myself) can attend and not feel too lost out of the gate.</p>
<p>Aside from traditional presentations I thought it would be fun to do some live coding projects, code reviews (a la JustForFunc) with the audience, and maybe small coding challenges like adventofcode.</p>
<p>If this sounds like something you would like to attend or present at, or know of a presenter who may be interested, please let me know!</p>
<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>dgryski: <pre><p>If you're on the Gophers Slack, there's a #vancouver channel that might also be a good venue to advertise.</p></pre>ogryzek: <pre><p>There's a #golang channel on both VanTech and YVRDev slack teams, which are much more active than the #vancouver channel.</p>
<p>I'll ask an admin of the Gophers Slack if we can connect them.</p></pre>jonfriesenca: <pre><p>I'd be interested in attending this :) </p></pre>