Can I run go on a Raspberry Pi 3 running FreeBSD?

agolangf · 2018-02-24 09:30:02 · 584 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2018-02-24 09:30:02 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

Edit. Looks like [not] - FreeBSD runs only in aarch64 mode on the Raspberry Pi and Go doesn't support FreeBSD/aarch64.



I do not know but I know you can run Go on a Raspberry Pi running Linux, if that is useful info.


But Raspbian runs a 32bit kernel (with 32bit apps) while FreeBSD is aarch64.

Yes. It seem that while Go supports arm64+Linux and arm32+FreeBSD, it doesn't support arm64+FreeBSD.


the person I know who has used Go on a Rpi with linux was using Devuan Linux, which appears to be/offer 64bit


True, it works on Linux both on 32 and 64 bit, but not on FreeBSD


I believe the Raspberry Pi 3 can support a 64-bit system just fine though.


It can, but Go doesn't support that combination (freebsd+arm64) unfortunately.


Ohhh, I just looked back at the chart. I forgot that the full range of architectures is really only supported for Linux. Do you know if gccgo would have much chance in succeeding with that combo of bad and arm64?


you can try this:


I can get it from the official website too, but they're all 64bit which go doesn't support (arm64/freebsd)

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