What's the nicest way to set the maximum value of integer flag?

blov · · 325 次点击    
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<p>I have program with several flags and I would like to somehow limit their value(not all of them). Now, what&#39;s the nicest way to do so? Is the function with many ifs only way? </p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>xiegeo: <pre><p>Say the limits in the description, which gets printed by -help. Then in your program, check for them and error out if any flag is out of the range. Do not convert them to the acceptable values since it&#39;s a configuration error.</p></pre>kerakk19: <pre><p>I&#39;ll probably stick with that. It would be cool tho to have limiting option. </p></pre>Zirual: <pre><p>As in you want to limit an int to stay within a range? Here&#39;s the typical helper function I write for that.</p> <pre><code>func intInRange(i, min, max int) int { switch { case i &lt; min: return min case i &gt; max: return max default: return i } } </code></pre></pre>hell_0n_wheel: <pre><p>Why? That sounds like a bad idea.</p></pre>

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