Graphqlator - A CLI program that generates a graphql-go server from an existing MySQL, MariaDB, or PostgresQL schema

blov · · 484 次点击    
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<p>Hello Gophers,</p> <p>I&#39;m new here, been mostly lurking for the past few months. I&#39;ve written an open-source CLI tool that generates a GraphQL API server.</p> <p>It does this by connecting to your database instance and querying the <a href="">Information Schema</a> to extract column, relationship and constraints. Using that information it is possible to generate a GraphQL API.</p> <p><a href="">Git Repo</a> <a href="">Link to Website with short tutorial</a></p> <p>This is my first <em>real</em> Go application, and my first open source project. The generated code works, but I would not call it feature complete. For example by default the generated queries are read-only and will only retrieve the first row in the database. Working on changing this, just need to put in the time.</p> <p>The package that drives all the database introspection and code generation is called <a href="">Substance</a>. Definitely looking for feedback for this package, especially in terms of the package organization and package design in general. All this code is very much a work in progress, but I wanted to share mainly to get feedback and see if anyone is interested in contributing. </p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>waiting4op2deliver: <pre><p>Neat</p></pre>ahmedalhulaibi: <pre><p>Thanks!</p> <p>Did you get a chance to install and run graphqlator?</p></pre>paul_h: <pre><p>Website should probably link to GH repo (I couldn&#39;t find that link - if it is there it should be more obvious).</p> <p>You should probably extract templates for the generated Go source.</p> <p>Good work though - keep going.</p></pre>ahmedalhulaibi: <pre><p>Thanks for taking the time to reply!</p> <p>Ah good catch. I&#39;ll make sure to add the link in there.</p> <p>What do you mean by extract templates for the generated Go source? </p></pre>

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