Open source projects that uses channels for reading purpose.

blov · · 452 次点击    
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<p>Hello All, </p> <p>I&#39;m reading Golang and want to check if there are any open source project which uses channels in their code base. I would prefer any such libraries/code which will allow the beginner to pick and understand how channels work in real world. </p> <p>Thanks for your help.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>HappyVictory: <pre><p>its typically used for threading; </p> <p>threading is most commonly used when you need 2 cpu loops, ex: </p> <pre><code>go DrawAllUI() go Sort1millionRows() go HandleUserInputWithNoLag() </code></pre> <p>for example if you sort 1 million rows of a array while your UI is drawing anything: the mouse would stop responding and the UI would stop drawing</p> <p>typically MS windows and other UI&#39;s use &#39;message passing&#39; to handle events between threads.... which is like javascript events, or callbacks:</p> <pre><code>sendMessage(MyApp, WM_EventSomething, DATA1, DATA2) //is roughly equivalent to foo.eventnotify(&#39;click&#39;, {data: asdf}) </code></pre> <p>and these are cross-thread communication</p> <p>but now you can use channels too to communicate between thread:</p> <pre><code>events &lt;- someObjectGenerator(&#39;click&#39;, map[string]int{&#34;x&#34; : 0, &#34;y&#34; : 0}) </code></pre> <p>the other main use is to share data between threads ; because while two threads read the same memory block; if both write the same memory at the same time it will corrupt the data</p></pre>Killing_Spark: <pre><p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> </p> <p>The jobs take advantage of channels to get triggered. </p></pre>caseynashvegas: <pre><p>Definitely not perfect code but I&#39;m using channels in a simple chat server here <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>anonfunction: <pre><p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>antoaravinth: <pre><p>Wow, thanks. Looks neat and at the same time eligible for the beginners.</p></pre>boyter: <pre><p>Been using them in a pipeline for a replacement for cloc I have been working on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>I’m a totally new Go developer so nothing fancy is going on in there. I suspect if you are new to it it’s likely to help with understanding. </p></pre>

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