Restful API + database

blov · · 1099 次点击    
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<p>Hello all, I have been trying to use &#34;<a href=""></a>&#34; to connect to database. I seem to stuck in between. How do i pass opened db object to each HandleFunc or should I open within every HandleFunc on each call?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>sjustinas: <pre><p>You probably shouldn&#39;t open a database connection on each request, as <code>database/sql</code> will pool connections for you automatically.</p> <p>You have severals ways to achieve what you need. The ones to come to my mind right now is either having a global DB object, or passing the DB handle using a closure:</p> <pre><code>func handlerWithDb(db *sql.DB) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(...) { // use `db` }) } </code></pre></pre>media_guru: <pre><p>I&#39;ve used a global in the past for this, but I&#39;ve seen some contention among some gophers about using globals (whether they&#39;re good or bad).</p> <p>Either way, OP -- definitely let database/sql manage the connection for you. </p></pre>param_at_ma: <pre><p>Since first option is quite easy, I will try out with that first. Later while refactoring i would go with second option (It might take some time understand). Anyway Thanks a ton :)</p></pre>3Dayo: <pre><p>Permit me to suggest the following article: <a href="">Organising Database Access</a></p></pre>param_at_ma: <pre><p>Indeed very good article, since I am new to golang, this gave so much knowledge.It answered my next question also. &#34;How to make database and model as separate package&#34;. Thank you very much for the right direction :)</p></pre>jeffmetal: <pre><p>I just copied the way the techempower benchmark code did it, which is using a global pool. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>param_at_ma: <pre><p>I will follow the code. Thank you very much :)</p></pre>

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