<p>I was writing some unit tests and needed a function to feed various string combinations to a unit test, so I created this small function to return a string array of all combinations of input string arrays. </p>
<p>E.g. PermuteStrings(
[]string{"Two", "Three"},
[]string{" "},
[]string{"Dollars", "Euros"} </p>
<p>returns []string{
"Two Dollars",
"Two Euros",
"Three Dollars",
"Three Euros"}</p>
<p>Hope you find it useful. Please share any improvements:
<a href="https://gist.github.com/balacode/ff456d2e5854f2803790cc0a06ae5769" rel="nofollow">https://gist.github.com/balacode/ff456d2e5854f2803790cc0a06ae5769</a>
(edited to fix link)</p>
PermuteStrings() - generate all combinations of N input string slices, maintaining order
blov · · 481 次点击这是一个分享于 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
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