<p>Anyone know a library for connecting to a LMTP server?</p>
<hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>kostix: <pre><p>Have you tried <a href="https://godoc.org/?q=lmtp" rel="nofollow">searching</a>?
While it brings exactly a single result, the code in it, at first site, appears to be quite OK for a start.</p></pre>shovelpost: <pre><p>Can you link the actual repository. I see "No packages found."</p></pre>kostix: <pre><p>That's weird: I now get "No packages found", too.</p>
<p>Here's <a href="https://godoc.org/blitiri.com.ar/go/chasquid/cmd/mda-lmtp" rel="nofollow">the repo</a>.</p></pre>