Introduction to the modern Go ecosystem?

blov · · 489 次点击    
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<p>Hello, just starting out with Go and I&#39;ve noticed that there are huge amounts of resources for learning the language itself and the standard library, however, what would be really handy is some sort of rundown of popular and &#34;best&#34; (yes, this of course will be quite opinionated) libraries for things by people that have worked with the ecosystem from time and have seem projects rise and fall in popularity, the general &#34;style&#34; of go and &#34;best practises&#34; develop, and the packages and tooling that have grown and adapted with that.</p> <p>Of course there is no actual &#34;best&#34; package for a given thing, but coming in from the outside world there is probably a wealth of opinion and context for various packages and reasoning behind why one would choose them.</p> <p>Are there any good guides/wikis for this sort of thing? For instance, if I wanted to use a HTTP framework/library (e.g. Express or Koa in Node land), what are people using? If there best practices or packages that abstract various patterns (e.g. worker pools or queuing), how are people doing that? How much do people write in basic standard Go, and how much do people rely on dependencies?</p> <p>I&#39;ve seen [the million request per minute]( linked on various things, but this is two years old and got torn apart on HackerNews. What would the current consensus consider an &#34;up to date&#34; take on that?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>i_love_golang: <pre><p>My favorite resource is awesome go: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p></pre>haywire: <pre><p>cheers!</p></pre>

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