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<p>Just curious about what people are getting their hands dirty with.</p> <p>I&#39;m currently building a project involving MongoDB and some APIs to create a website and at the same time learn some Go.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>gbrayut: <pre><p>About to start month 6 at my &#34;new&#34; job, helping build a CDN / edge compute platform at <a href="https://www.walmartlabs.com">https://www.walmartlabs.com</a> . Projects include: custom reverse proxies, TLS/HTTP2/WebSockets, load balancing (layer 4 and layer 7), embedded edge plugins (Lua and Go), advanced DNS systems, and security/PCI frameworks... All written in Go and operating at industrial scale.</p> <p>I started right before the holiday rush so things were a bit hectic. Now our division is shifting gears on how / where we run our &#34;mega clouds&#34;, which will keep things busy for the next few months as we shuffle things around. Then ramp up load testing for holiday this year and see if we can squeeze in a few more big projects, like replacing a really large, really expensive asset store.</p> <p>Oh, and if these things sound interesting we have a few developer, operations, and internal services/consulting positions opening in the next few weeks. Remote friendly (but usually requires the right to work in USA) and an awesome team. Hit me up for details!</p></pre>krobzaur: <pre><p>I thought I read somewhere that Walmart uses Openstack for a lot of their internal infrastructure, is this true? If so, it would be massively vindicating. I&#39;ve had to defend Openstack from a lot of VMware-inclined colleagues who think it sucks and should never be used at the enterprise level. </p></pre>jh125486: <pre><p>I thought their external facing mobile-store ran on Triton, with internal customers on OpenStack. </p></pre>gbrayut: <pre><p>We use Openstack as our main hypervisor, and it is integrated with our OneOps deploy mentioned tool. A good presentation at <a href="http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/inside-walmartlabs-and-its-openstack-core/" rel="nofollow">http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/inside-walmartlabs-and-its-openstack-core/</a> but it is well over a year old now.</p></pre>mofirouz: <pre><p>I&#39;m one of the authors behind <a href="https://heroiclabs.com">Nakama</a> - It&#39;s an open-source server for realtime and social games. It has built-in support for realtime multiplayer, rule-based matchmaking, and a lot more (user auth, social login, leaderboards etc).</p> <p>I think it&#39;s a great start point to develop your multiplayer game with :)</p></pre>hsoolien: <pre><p>Saved for a later maybe</p></pre>0xjnml: <pre><p>Recently mostly on <a href="https://github.com/cznic/sqlite2go">https://github.com/cznic/sqlite2go</a>.</p></pre>hell_0n_wheel: <pre><p>Adding features to the cloud with software defined networking. Creating microservices to rewire entire data centers on the fly. Building frameworks to test all of the above. Mostly that last one.</p></pre>comrade_donkey: <pre><p>SRE?</p></pre>hell_0n_wheel: <pre><p>Though SRE principles guide many of our designs, it&#39;s not a specific role where I work.</p></pre>chewxy: <pre><p>Adding features, reducing code in the <a href="https://github.com/gorgonia/gorgonia">gorgonia</a> family of packages. The key things I&#39;m working on are performance and accessibility - the packages needs to improve in terms of user friendliness, so a few APIs will be broken</p></pre>sacado: <pre><p>Textual data analysis for a research project.</p></pre>chewxy: <pre><p>Ooh, sounds fun. If you need NLP stuff, I wrote a <a href="https://github.com/chewxy/lingo">NLP library</a>. AMA if you need help</p></pre>sacado: <pre><p>Thanks for the link! I&#39;ll have a look at it.</p></pre>parliamentd: <pre><p>I&#39;m attempting to write a Web-based Postgres client in Go and React: <a href="https://github.com/velvetreactor/postapocalypse" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/velvetreactor/postapocalypse</a></p> <p>Also a small package to group echo router/&#34;controllers&#34; together: <a href="https://github.com/nycdavid/ziptie" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/nycdavid/ziptie</a></p></pre>jackmott2: <pre><p>I have an educational stream teaching Golang and programming via small game based projects.</p> <p>We have covered topics from the basics, like linked lists and control flow, all the way to faily advanced - like binary heaps and creating an interpreter.</p> <p>Currently we are working on a 2d RPG:</p> <p><a href="https://gameswithgo.org/" rel="nofollow">https://gameswithgo.org/</a></p></pre>TrollFactoryEmployee: <pre><p>Still working on <a href="https://github.com/patrobinson/gokini" rel="nofollow">Gokini</a> a Kinesis Client Library port written in Go.</p> <p>My longer term project is a Stream Processing framework written in Go, called <a href="https://github.com/patrobinson/go-fish" rel="nofollow">go-fish</a></p></pre>rpk788: <pre><p>I&#39;m working on an Alexa skill for interacting with Destiny character/game data via the bungie.net API.</p> <p><a href="https://github.com/rking788/warmind-network" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/rking788/warmind-network</a></p></pre>aboukirev: <pre><p>Working on IP camera streaming proxy converting RTSP to tentatively HLS: <a href="https://github.com/aboukirev/oculeye" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/aboukirev/oculeye</a> Having fun with intricacies of various RFCs as well as some finer points of Go.</p></pre>tomarus: <pre><p>At work i do lots of interesting projects involving multi petabyte storage clusters. As a side project i just started a terminal stock tracking app (<a href="http://s.chiparus.org/2/2fd0c73576151348.png" rel="nofollow">screenshot</a>)</p></pre>BACONWART: <pre><p>That&#39;s looking really cool! Have you gotten any use for it yet? And how is that ui created?</p></pre>0ptim0s: <pre><p>mining.luxor.tech</p> <p>All Golang from the ground up :)</p></pre>Rizens: <pre><p>Really like the design of the website .</p></pre>HaveToBeStrong: <pre><p>Linking and storing all of our data into a warehouse. </p></pre>carleeto: <pre><p>A dot to channels converter. You describe the structure as a dot file. The names of the nodes correspond to types that process compatible channels. It&#39;s an experiment in reusing existing code by just rearranging it.</p></pre>ghostghostghost123: <pre><p>Have any examples of how this works? Sounds interesting.</p></pre>carleeto: <pre><p>This came out of the realisation that almost all data processing pipelines are directed acyclic graphs. The only things that change are the nodes and the types of data that flow on the edges. </p> <p>The nodes usually represent data transformation of some sort, which would end up being a Go type. So if the source nodes are readers, the sink nodes are writers and the the ones in between are both, it should be possible to create different data processing pipelines just by changing the structure, provided there is a good collection of readers and writers to choose from.</p> <p>Since the only real variable is the structure of the pipeline, I describe the structure with a dot file. </p> <p>I&#39;ve limited this to directed acylic graphs for now to keep things simple. From my brief experimentation, it should be possible to include cycles, but that implies buffered channels.</p></pre>ghostghostghost123: <pre><p>That&#39;s super cool and sounds like a lot of fun to implement!</p></pre>carleeto: <pre><p>Thanks. This is the first step in a larger experiment, which I&#39;m still working through in terms of concept. The idea is then to take something like what I&#39;m working on and design a protocol on top of it where readers and writers are only connected if they both pass certain tests.</p> <p>So think of a situation where more than one readwriter could do the job. You would use the protocol to select the best candidate. I&#39;m calling it test driven graphs right now, but it needs step one to work.</p> <p>The idea then is that your library of types grows and your applications automatically get better because the graph is only constructed out of those types that pass continuously improving tests.</p></pre>icholy: <pre><p>Asterix package</p></pre>chuhnk: <pre><p>Full time on microservice related tools <a href="https://github.com/micro" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/micro</a></p></pre>oksynth: <pre><p>Working on adding more units to my modular synth project: <a href="https://buddin.us/shaden" rel="nofollow">https://buddin.us/shaden</a></p></pre>hsoolien: <pre><p>A program to replace a locksmith services windows xp or older client.</p> <p>Looking at redoing a lock data base our company uses internally I wrote about 6 years back in PHP</p> <p>Also an inventory tracker my co-workers can&#39;t mess up .</p> <p>Maybe later something video game related.</p> <p>I&#39;ve only taken up programming again recently and having forgot most of what I knew from 5 years ago (which wasn&#39;t much, I&#39;ll be honest) decided go would be an interesting foray back in.</p></pre>VanPepe: <pre><p>I&#39;m constantly trying to improve my twitch IRC library <a href="https://github.com/gempir/go-twitch-irc" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/gempir/go-twitch-irc</a></p> <p>I&#39;m very interested in writing the highest quality code possible and testing all of the functionality extensively </p></pre>supermudkip: <pre><p>Worked on a tutorial for packaging Go apps using Debian packages (<a href="https://github.com/junland/hello-deb" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/junland/hello-deb</a>) so that I can package my apps such as a Auto Proxy Config Server (<a href="https://github.com/junland/pak-mule" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/junland/pak-mule</a>) for integrating with Squid.</p> <p>I also have some other smaller apps that I want to make down the line written in Go so being able to package these apps is great so I can test them on my Raspberry Pi&#39;s that I have deployed on my home network.</p> <p>Also thinking about doing a packaging tutorial for RPM&#39;s too.</p></pre>mvpmvh: <pre><p>my side-project is building a meetup.com clone from scratch in an all go backend (polymer front-end)</p></pre>BoringConnection: <pre><p>Just started working on <a href="https://github.com/radicalrafi/lori" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/radicalrafi/lori</a> I was inspired by Lodash and Ramda although the lack of generics makes it a bit hard to work on it, I&#39;m thinking providing type consistent functions is suitable for Golang style would love your feedback people. </p></pre>

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