Has anyone built Android or even iOS apps with Go yet? How was it?

agolangf · · 703 次点击    
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<p>We&#39;re evaluating the possibility of using Go in an upcoming app. I know that it&#39;s available, but wanted to hear about others&#39; experiences with it thus far. A few questions I have:</p> <ol> <li>How much of your app was in Go?</li> <li>Was there a lack of support?</li> <li>How were you limited by using Go? </li> <li>Did the pros outweigh the cons? </li> <li>Anything else you would add? </li> </ol> <p>For those reference: <a href="https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/mobile/app">https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/mobile/app</a></p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>sajal: <pre><p>I made an Android app in Go : <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.turbobytes.dig" rel="nofollow">https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.turbobytes.dig</a></p> <p>Its basically a hello world app to see how it works. UI in Java, the actual functionality in Go. The biggest limitation was that only few types are exportable to Java.</p> <blockquote> <p>Did the pros outweigh the cons?</p> </blockquote> <p>Yes. I don&#39;t know Java and enjoy Go.</p> <p>My blogpost about my experience: <a href="http://www.sajalkayan.com/post/android-apps-golang.html" rel="nofollow">http://www.sajalkayan.com/post/android-apps-golang.html</a></p> <p>I am waiting for someone to write some sort of UI framework for gomobile. That way we won&#39;t need to mantain java/objective-c layer.</p></pre>Southy__: <pre><p>I haven’t tried it yet, but we have an iOS and Android application, same app on both platforms with a couple of C libraries that are used across both platforms.</p> <p>I can see Go being an excellent replacement for those C libraries.</p></pre>collinglass: <pre><p>Has anyone attempted to manipulate the android xml UI in Go? Is it even possible?</p></pre>jamra06: <pre><p>I haven&#39;t looked into it, but I write iOS apps at work. The language is only part of the concern. The iOS stack is premised around object inheritance. If you&#39;re looking for a language that would make your life easier, try c#. We just started with Xamarin and it fits iOS development well. </p> <p>I love programming in Go, but I can&#39;t imagine it being useful for iOS development.</p></pre>ecmdome: <pre><p>Would love to hear more from people that can confirm or challenge this. I&#39;ve never written an iOS app, so I&#39;m really wondering where the most challenging/against-the-grain pitfalls are. </p></pre>010a: <pre><p>Its a very valid opinion for both iOS and Android. Go might be useful for building small extension modules to house some behavior which is either more clean or performant in Go, but it would never be useful to write even a majority of the application in. </p> <p>As one example, the UI framework of Android is beautifully modeled using object inheritance. You have a <a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/CheckBox.html">CheckBox</a>, which is a type of CompoundButton (any button that has two states), which is a type of Button (anything that is clickable), which is a type of TextView (anything with text on it), which is a type of View (anything that is displayable). That&#39;s a simplification, but modeling even this behavior in Go is much less clean. </p></pre>ecmdome: <pre><p>Appreciate the input especially on the use of inheritance in the Android UI framework.</p></pre>codelitt: <pre><p>Ya. Currently we use React Native for about 70% of our iOS apps and the rest written in Objective C. We are very happy with React. It&#39;s much more pleasant than writing everything with standard iOS tools, but we still wanted to evaluate Go a bit because it&#39;s a language we particularly enjoy. </p></pre>

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