type Maker interface {
Name() string
Type() string
type BallMaker interface {
R() int
Circ() int
type SquareMaker interface {
Width() int
Perimeter() int
If I want to check what my Maker
if maker.Type() == ''BallMaker" {
//make balls
s, ok := maker.(SquareMaker)
if ok {
// make squares
Which one is idiomatic?
whizack:I would always choose the type assertion. For one, there's no risk of mistyping the magic string.
ui7_uy8:the short answer is that your question lacks sufficient context. neither are really idiomatic go because a problem like this would not be modeled as multiple interface types that don't satisfy the same interface.
taking a stab at an approximation of your problem, I'd consider doing something like this:
The answer is "it depends", really, especially when the compiler will restrict when you can use the second one.