Help With Learning Go

blov · · 513 次点击    
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<p>So I am not sure if this is where I should be looking or not, but I am trying to get an approval to learn Go for College Credits. To do so I need proof of material that I can reference off of as my professors do not know Go themselves. Basically I want to know if there are any good textbook like resources to learn Go from, as you would see with C++, Java, Python and so on.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>ui7_uy8: <pre><p><a href=""></a></p></pre>Philip1209: <pre><p>The Go Programming Language by Donovan et. al. is probably your best bet for an academic-type book. </p></pre>enocom: <pre><p>I put together the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Gopher Reading List</a> as a resource for newcomers. It has a lot of useful blog posts.</p> <p>Also, if it helps make the argument, Google uses Go as one of its main languages (aside from Java and C++ of course).</p></pre>hybsuns: <pre><p>I personally prefer go over many other languages for production, but I don’t think go is a good language for teaching because of its relatively limited resources (compared with Java, for example).</p> <p>IMO java is a great language for teaching purposes because it allows beginners to practice a lot of basic concepts in CS: beginner programming, typical data structures and algorithms, basic design patterns, OO principles, and so on, in a very structured style. Plus Java has a long history, meaning that there are more Java-related documentations on the internet than Go.</p> <p>Go also has a few of CS concepts that requires a mid-level CS student to understand: pointer, function pointer, slice, for example. The lack of explicit inheritance and polymorphism also makes it difficult to teach OO in CS 101 or 102 classes.</p> <p>I would recommend The Go Programming Language as a start. It’s not a textbook per se, but it’s a great manual for Go.</p></pre>TheOneSamIThink: <pre><p>Thanks for the recommendation! I am a senior level college student, and I am basically just looking into adding Go as a language that I know and can use once I graduate, not so much as for teaching anyone else.</p></pre>dazealex: <pre><p>I&#39;m using Go at work for a web project, and I really do miss true OO. But it&#39;s an awesome language to pickup due to its performance and eco system. It is fun to write in, I&#39;ll say that much. </p></pre>deepthawtz: <pre><p>I’d recommend The go course on Udemy. It is taught by a professor and contains elements necessary for a college course. Slides, references to additional material, Assignments and student code examples. The teacher is also is not boring monotone and his left field tangents actually are effective and make the material memorable.</p></pre>giancarlopetrini: <pre><p>I second this. I’ve taken this course and the Golang Web Dec course (both by Todd McLeod) and they were awesome and thorough.</p></pre>laird_noteless: <pre><p>Try, the are a series of programming problems you can solve with Go asking with instruction and tips. The best part though is you can upload your code and get feedback. The community there is helpful and knowledgeable. </p></pre>ChristophBerger: <pre><p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>and</p> <p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>are good starting points for finding learning resources.</p></pre>

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