Looking for programming buddies

xuanbao · 2018-05-08 10:30:11 · 757 次点击    
这是一个分享于 2018-05-08 10:30:11 的资源,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

I'm looking for programming buddies who'd like to discuss tech news, problems and solutions, make code review for pet projects by voice on Skype/Discord/Any.

I don't have production experience with Go, all my knowledge about it is only theoretical. But I'm not a newbie developer. I have been working as a programmer since 2001. I worked a lot with Java and Python. Now I use for backend Node.js (TypeScript).

I'd like to discuss common questions about web development for Go:

  • What web framework to use?

  • How to work with PostgreSQL / MongoDB?

  • What about logger?

  • What about templates?

  • How to work with RabbitMQ?

  • How to communicate between microservices in Go?

And so on...

From my side, I can tell you about blockchain technologies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. I work for private blockchain projects with Ethereum, so I can tell you about it without marketing bullshit.

The best time for me for audio/video calls at 17:00 UTC. But I work remotely, so I can find time between 6:00 and 17:00 UTC. My local time zone UTC+3, I'm from Russia.

PM me, if you are interested. Thanks!



What web framework to use?

You probably shouldn't. The only thing I've found myself using them for is dependency injection, and that's fairly easy without a web framework. Here is a pretty decent article showing how to do dependency injection.

I am partial to Mux for routing, but there are a few decent competitors if you want to prioritize speed over features.

How to work with PostgreSQL / MongoDB?

Don't use MongoDB. Last I heard they had data loss issues that were tied to the architecture they chose. For PostgreSQL, I use the pq driver. It's pure go, so no cgo calls. You can use the dependency injection above to insert it into HTTP handlers.

What about logger?

Logrus if you want hooks to output to a variety of logging destinations (ElasticSearch, syslog, Postgres, etc). If you just need to log to files, I like Zap because of the insanely low allocations.

What about templates?

I use dependency injection to make a pool of them available. Or I just do client side rendering with something like Vue.

How to communicate between microservices in Go?

I've fallen in love with gRPC lately. It's great if it's just microservice-microservice communication. It is not as easy as REST to call into from a browser though, so the frontend would probably have to serve JSON.


Completely agree with this guy. Skip frameworks, use gRPC for anything that doesn't need to deal with JavaScript. When you absolutely have to, websockets are a great alternative for streaming.


Checkout CockroachDB instead of Postgres and for communicating between microservices I'd personally use gRPC :D


Hey! Could you elaborate on why you prefer CockroachDB? I just started a little go microservice project using postgres because... you know... open source and it's not made by Microsoft haha.

Should I make the switch?


Cockroach uses the Postgres wire protocol so it's almost completely backwards compatible with Postgres. I like Cockroach because it's newSQL which means it's very easy to scale, you just add it to a cluster and it handles everything. Since most things are run in a cloud environment I value the ability for one instance of my database to go down and not everything is ruined :)




There's #go-nuts on Freenode IRC. There's also a Golang Slack. I'm in the both if you want to chat.


The Gopher slack group is a terrific community of GoLang developers. Come join us!



I'm already there. I've posted there the same message to the #golang-newbies channel, but people not happy about it. They are ready to discuss my questions in text form, but don't want to do it by voice.

I haven't found any channels like #introduce_yourself there, so I don't know what channels are suitable for such messages.

For example, on discord server "Discord Gophers" they have deleted my the same message like a spam.

So I believe in power of Reddit :)


I’ve built a few small things with some of those in GoLang. Angular 5/ GoLang/ Mongodb stack. I thinks that’s a pretty good stack. I would love to talk about it.


Please message me on Discord: maxblock#1713



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