Anyone ever used Kerberos with Golang?

polaris · · 1540 次点击    
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<p>And don&#39;t say I should try if you never tried it by yourself... ;)</p> <p>This gokerb only supports rc4-hmac, des-cbc-md5 and des-cbc-md4. Well, MD4 is dead, MD5 is dead and RC4 also. Some more recent systems can&#39;t even create such tickets. Latest commit is 3 years ago, this project is discontinued. :(</p> <p>Any alternatives around?</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>amt897: <pre><p>Not EXACTLY what you&#39;re looking for, but we released a gssapi wrapper in Go: <a href=""></a></p> <p>Apache 2, and we use it in production.</p> <p>Check it out and see if it suits you.</p></pre>Chohmoh: <pre><p>You guys also added AES support to gokerb, right? Does gokerb work for you?</p> <p>Anyway, gssapi looks promising, thanks for that. I&#39;ll give it a try.</p> <p>Edit: FreeBSD is working also.</p></pre>koffiezet: <pre><p>Not that I know of. Maybe fork and modify it yourself? There are a few forks of it it seems (at least one that adds AES encryption)</p></pre>Chohmoh: <pre><p>Good point, but ain&#39;t enough to make it fly. :(</p> <p>There is still too much missing. Now I&#39;m at a point where I don&#39;t know enough about kerberos to fix it on such a low level (lost somewhere inside asn1).</p> <p>So any other <em>working</em> kerberos libs around?</p></pre>

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