Router UI + Angular routing?

blov · · 557 次点击    
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<p>Hello everyone. I hope anyone can give me a heads up with this. I have a barebone working project where I have a Go API and the front end works with angular. The Go server also serve the static files. Took me a while to get it running since I followed this code for the angular part (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>)</p> <p>Anyway, to the point, the go server is configured so it serves the /app/ path to static files. Now, my questions is, what do I do to urls where there is no actual file. Like I have the following url &#34;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>&#34;. Right now, the go servers answers 404, but I want the router ui to handle it and work his magic.</p> <p>Any ideas would be welcome. Thanks redditors.</p> <hr/>**评论:**<br/><br/>synalx: <pre><p>Hi!</p> <p>So, once your application loads, the Angular router will look at the URL and do the right thing. The trick is that a request for /app/nofile needs to cause the application to load. The easiest way to do that is to serve the application HTML (index.html file typically) at /app/nofile in addition to /app, and making sure all paths for resources in index.html are resolved relative to /app and not /app/some/route/you/have.</p></pre>CaptaincCodeman: <pre><p>It boils down to handling 404 errors on the server and serving out the index.html page or whatever loads your client side app.</p> <p>Once thing to note is that because your page can be loading from any path, you probably need to set the base href in the index.html page.</p></pre>residentbio: <pre><p>Thanks <a href="/u/synakx" rel="nofollow">/u/synakx</a> and <a href="/u/CaptaincCodeman" rel="nofollow">/u/CaptaincCodeman</a>, I see the light now. Thinking on doing some regex so it only redirects under /app/ folder, since I&#39;m fine with go handling any other 404. </p> <p>You rock!</p></pre>

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